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They emerged from the bushes as everyone followed Sokka who held a map, they saw a clear field with koala sheep roaming, it was far from any village or farm, it was perfect to be left alone until the day of black sun.

"We made it to the rendezvous point for the invasion," Sokka looked around seeing cliffs on one side blocked them and there was another cliff to the ocean on the other side.

"How'd you get this place?" Toph asked.

"Before we split, my dad and I found this island on the map, it's uninhabited and it's surrounded by cliffs, it's the perfect secluded place," Sokka explained putting his map away as they all started to set up camp, since they'll be here longer they can set up most of their stuff.

"Nice choice Sokka, and we're here four days early and ahead of schedule," Katara took her hair out and combed through it.

"Wait? Four days?!" Aang jumped up high using his bended but landed on his feet.

"One day less from yesterday, yea," Azula sat down as Katara handed her her own comb to comb the snarls of flying out of her hair.

"The invasion is in four days?!" Aang gripper his hair anxiously.

"It's whatever, that's like four days from now," Sokka yawned laying down as everyone was set to go to bed.

"Let's just calm down and just-" Sokka broke off into snores as he was passed out on his sleeping bag.

"Sokkas got the right idea Aang, we're here and we're ready, the best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest," Katara laid down as well as everyone was on their sleeping bags except Zuko and Aang.

"All of us," she looked at Zuko narrowing her eyes as he had his arms crossed.

"I'm going for a walk, check out the area," Zuko told them as azula looked at him concerned.

"Can I come with?" Aang asked hopeful.


Aang bit his lip and finally laid down on his sleeping bag to drift off to sleep.

Aang bolted up from the ground gasping as he pulled on his pants but momo sat next to him curiously.

"It was just a dream momo, I still have my pants," he breathed relieved.

"I better keep training," Aang rocked to his feet and went to go keep training.

"Why are you up?" He screamed a little turning around seeing Zuko coming back from his walk.

"Zuko, you scared me," Aang took a deep breath holding his chest.

"I just can't sleep," he smiled with ease.

"It's almost dawn so keep it down," Zuko told him with a nod and saw against a tree.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" Aang asked and he nodded like it was nothing.

"I don't like sleep," Zuko had his arms crossed as well as his leg was over the other, he looked very closed off.

"Do you like anything?" Aang teased a little.


"Aw Zuzu you should find a hobby," Aang cocked his head to the side smiling at the prince.

Zuko glared darkly.

"Okay only azula can call you that, gotcha," he gave a nervous thumbs up backing away as Zuko shook his head a little at him.


Everyone woke up hearing a repeating loud thud as Katara lifted her head seeing Aang punching a tree. She looked back at Sokka and azula who looked annoyed and tired, Sokka shrugged.

"Hey, how long have you been up?" Katara walked over rubbing her eyes.

"A couple hours, I got a lot more skills to learn if I'm gonna fight ozai," Aang didn't stop fighting the tree.

"You know there is such a thing called over training," Katara told him gently seeing her friend was stressed out.

Aang gave a final blow but a  shutter went through his whole body and a pile of leaves dropped on him when he fell on his back.

"You don't get it do you?" Aang was on his feet again as he was in a fighting position circling the water bender.

"My form is bad, I'm sloppy and I still don't know any fire bending," he ranted as azula stretched when she got to her feet.

"Not even the basics!" His eye twitched.

"That's okay Aang. the eclipse will block off your fire bending anyways," Sokka was on his back while looking at his map.

"Plus it's a stupid element," he looked over as azula put a hand on her hip.

"Sometimes..." Sokka tried to correct himself.

"Okay well I still need to work on everything else, I gotta spend the day training," Aang said and bowed to everyone before creating an air scooter and scooting off from the group.

"He's the child my nation has trouble even finding? I don't think I'll ever get it," Azula said unamused as she put her hair in a ponytail.

"I don't either," Toph snorted.


By the next night no one barely saw Aang, only glimpse of the avatar running around and training all day, he finally yawned coming back to camp as he fell on the ground ready for sleep.

"Goodnight Katara, goodnight Sokka, goodnight Toph, goodnight azula, goodnight-" "go to sleep already! We get it!" Toph cut him off as Aang flinched away from her.

"Goodnight Zuko," he said quickly and everyone groaned.

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