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The two siblings walked through the forest and saw a village in view from almost a mile away. They've barely spoken a word during the days they've walked, it somehow always ended up in bickering and one of them getting upset and huffing about it.

Zuko wasn't the best Fisher or Hunter but he was able to get a few fish during the day for them to eat, it took azula only a day to give in to the hunger and eat the fish.

As the three days passed azula started to notice the woods a bit more as there was a road on the side, meaning a village was near by.

"Are we really going?" Azula scoffed as she stopped walking.

"We need stuff," Zuko turned to her. Three days only fishing and no supplies made it difficult.

"Like what?" She rolled her eyes.

"Clothes, food, water, a map," zuko listed as if it was obvious.

"You can't be serious this is how you lived," Azula scrunched up her face.

"Your the one who claimed uncle and I as traitors," Zuko rolled his eyes and Azula glared at him, something he wouldn't let go.

"Let's just go," she walked forward flipping her hair in Zukos face and he swatted it away spitting a little while she approached the putter parts of the village when they arrived.

They snuck into the village and saw clothes on a line in the backyard of a house. Azula ran off and grabbed some items of clothes and a pair of shoes then ran off again. Zuko ran after her and grabbed some clothes as well and a pair of boots then followed her to back of the forest.

"Notice anything off about these clothes Zuzu?" Azula held up a red top.

"Shit we're in the fire nation," Zuko looked at his clothes. They defiantly needed to get out of earth kingdom clothes as soon as they can.

"My guess it's the boarder," she walked behind a thick patch of bushes as Zuko went behind a large tree.

"This close to the fire nation?" Zuko asked putting on red pants and pulling on black boots with gold stripes on the front. He pulled his robe like shirt on and wrapped the belt around his waist.

"Yea, earth kingdoms crumbling big brother, our boarders are expanding," Azula sat on a rock to slip her black boots on. She had a dark red crop top and a lighter right tank top under with a dark brown belt while the ends draped to her knees around her waist and dark red baggy pants tucked in the boots.

She closed her eyes as she put her hair up in a half up half down letting her Raven black hair flow down her back, her tie broke as her hair fell again.

"God dammit," she growled giving up on her hair. "I should just chop it off,"

"Do it, hair grows back," Zuko handed her a knife, the knife uncle gave him years ago.

Azula looked at it and took the knife bitterly, immediately holding her hair with the knife against it but paused.

"You've always had such beautiful hair..."

"I can't," she whispered.

"Here, will this help?" Zuko offered cutting off a part of his belt.

Azula picked it up and used it to tie her hair in a low pony tail as her bangs fell in her face.

"I feel like a peasant," she opened her eyes looking up at Zuko who was looking at the village near by.

"We are peasants, no ones going to worship you here... And no fire bending, we're not benders, got it?" Zuko told her annoyed as it felt like this was a circle they go through.

"Why so hostile Zuzu? I would never," she smirked putting her hand on her chest leaning back on the rock.

"No games Azula," he crossed his arms.

"Fine, I won't bend, threaten, or whatever here," she huffed looking away scowling.

"Can I actually count on that?" Zuko raised an eye brow.

"You have my word of honor," she held up her right hand then flipped him off with her broken nails.

"Can we go so I can get this treated?" She asked standing.

"Yea lets go," Zuko nodded and they walked to the village.


The two Royal siblings walked through the village as children where playing in the streets as parents where chatting with each other friendly not noticing the two strangers.

"They should be bowing at my feet," Azula hissed under her breath. Zuko put his hand on her shoulder and pinched her a little making her flinch.

"Knock it off, your not a god," Zuko told her as they walked up to a shop.

"Hello there travelers, who may you be?" A old man smiled at them but Zuko spoke up before Azula could say anything.

"I'm lee, this is my sister Bonnie," Zuko thought quickly and Azula snapped her head at Zuko glaring intensely at the name.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" The old man chuckled.

"Well-" "we where ambushed last night as we where traveling and these earth benders took everything we had, we've been trying to find help for days," Azula said with a calm face but had a look in her eyes that made her seem distressed.

"Oh my, those earth kingdom soldiers do like to push their luck," the old man sighed.

"Do they bother you guys at all?" Zuko asked.

"Here and there, but some of the men in our village are fire benders so they can hold them off," the man shrugged.

"Fire nation is more superior," Azula scoffed.

"Here and there it is little lady, but we do get in more battles with the earth kingdom for it, the cross fires," the old man chuckled lightly.

"Next time show no mercy, they won't bother you after that," Azula crossed her arms and Zuko internally smacked his forehead.

"Quite the violent one isn't she?" The old man said flatly.

"You have no idea..." Zuko mumbled.

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