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"Sokka get up I need to know what day it is!" Aang pulled at Sokkas face and moved his shoulders.

"What?! Who's talking?!" Sokka grabbed his sword but slammed into a rock sending him back down.

"Relax, it's still two days before the invasion," Toph sat up as everyone was getting tired of aangs hysterics.

"Sokka you need to get up and work on your rock climbing exercises," Aang pulled at his leg frantically.

"What?" He whined.

"Azula you need to learn how to swim!" Aang pointed at the princess as she blinked confused.

"In my dream you were running from soldiers and you had to climb this cliff but your noodle arms failed you and they got you! And you had to swim through the ocean before the fire nation boats found you but you couldn't and you drowned!" Aang pointed at the both of them as Zuko drank water and handed it to Toph.

"Aang those are just dreams," Sokka got up defensively. "I'm a great climber,"

"And I can swim perfectly fine," Azula nodded.

"Then climb this cliff! Climb it fast!" Aang pointed at the cliff next to them. Sokka pointed at it and Aang nodded happily. He grumbled and started to climb.

"Don't drink that!" Aang turned to Toph as she sat with Zuko and Katara, she spit it out on the older teens.

Sokka slid down the cliff with a cry.

"Why? is it poisoned?!" Toph asked as Zuko and Katara looked unamused and wet.

"In my dream we were right in the middle of the invasion and you had to stop to use the bathroom, we died cause of your weak bladder," Aang explained quickly as Katara bended the water off of them.

"And you need to start wearing a hat and more clothes because in my dream-" "your delusional with your dreams, none of them make sense," Zuko looked up at Aang flatly before he could explain.

"We know your just trying to help, but you really need to get a grip," Katara touched his arm gently as he looked at her wide eyes. "Your unraveling,"

"Zuko doesn't sleep but hes fine," Aang motioned to him.

"Zuko is not a role model for sleep," Katara said flatly.

"Nope," Zuko agreed.

"But my pants!" Aang threw his hands up.

"And your math test," Zuko nodded as Aang motioned to him nodding frantically.

"Your not helping," Katara looked at him as Zuko shrugged. 

"Please, Aang this isn't good for you," she sighed and Aang let out a deep breath.

"Your right... I'm loosing my mind," Aang finally calmed down but no one paid attention to Sokka still climbing.


"It's like how every time I think about how stressed I am I end up more stressed, I'm like a big growing snowball of nerves," Aang ranted as everyone was hanging around while Sokka was building armor for appa.

"Of course you are, that's because you have to fight the fire lord, the baddest man on the planet... no offense," Sokka looked back at Aang and sent a glance at Zuko and azula.

"No your correct," Zuko nodded.

"Plus you better win or we're all done for," he continued as Aang was shaking.

"Sokka, your not helping," Katara walked over to her brother.

"What? It's true, that's the deal and he knows it," Sokka got up but Katara pushed his head down for him to sit again.

"You know what? I got just the thing, your going to be so destressified," Katara set her hands on aangs bare shoulders as he fiddled with his fingers anxiously.


"Didn't work, Sokka your up, make him talk about it," Katara walked back over in her white swimsuit.

"And if that doesn't work?" Toph asked.

"We all should try a way to get Aang to relax and get rid of all his stress," Katara sighed running her hand through her hair.

"I'm on it," Sokka got up grabbing his fake facial hair he got a few towns ago.

"You think pounding the stress out of him will work with rocks?" Toph smirked a little.

"Be gentle at least," Katara went to put her fire nation clothes back on.

"You guys should help if your apart of the group, any ways you think would work?" She looked at the two as azula was meditating.

"Bossing servants around always made me feel better, or hair combines, very relaxing," Azula smiled a little deviously.

"Anything that's possible here?" She said flatly.

"Tea," Zuko said quietly.

"Oh no, uncle made you into a tea freak?" Azula turned to him.

"When I was first banished uncle use to make me have tea with him after dinner every day, until I found out he was putting sleeping drugs in my tea so I had to sleep," Zuko said flatly remembering how angry we was when he found out... after a year.

"Plus it helped heal my scar faster apparently," he said under his breath.

"Do you know what he used? Maybe you and Aang could have a tea talk," Katara smiled hopeful at the idea.

"Do you have sedatives?" Zuko asked simply and Kataras jaw dropped and azula covered her face shaking her head.

"Yea, how many?" Toph got up from laying on the ground.

"Toph! Zuko!"

"Could it just be the last option?" Azula asked looking back at her.

"If nothing else works then fine," Katara mumbled covering her eyes.


"So, do you feel less stress?" Katara asked as Aang was sitting in a ball when they were all ready for bed. "Ready for a good night sleep?"

"Uhh I guess I sort of kind of might slightly feel a little better," Aang told them hugging his knees.

"Then go to sleep," Azula hissed a little as she was tired of this whole situation.

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