The puppet master

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"We know what you've been doing Hama! Your sick!" Sokka yelled as he and Aang ran up to the old woman who was fighting against Katara.

"Give up! Your out numbered," Aang got in a fighting position for bending.

"No... You out numbered yourselves," Hama growled. Aang and sokka went stiff as Hama bended their blood in their bodies, she aimed them at Katara and she ducked both of the boys and bended water at Hama as the old woman made a water wheel to block the attack.

"Katara look out!" Sokka yelled as he was forced to pull out his space sword and started to swing his arm at her without being able to control himself.

"It's like my muscles has a mind of its own! Stop it arms!" Sokka cried out as katara backed away avoiding getting hit by the sword.

Katara bended the water from the grass, spinning behind her to block Sokkas hit and pushed him to go the other way only for Aang to come at her.

"This feels weird!" Aang cried out with wide eyes as he made his way to his friend.

Katara splashed him with water against a tree and froze him to the trunk.

"I'm sorry Aang," she looked at him.

"It's okay!" He called back.

Sokka grunted as he was forced to attack his sister. Katara destroyed a tree as Sokka got closer with his sword swinging, but the young bender splashed her water against Sokka and froze his hand to the closest tree that held his sword, that should keep him safe.

Hama watched amused but gasped when she ducked a blue fire blast almost hitting her. Everyone's head snapped to the side as Hama bended water to block the next fire attack as it created steam with the strong blue fire.

"Azula?" Katara gasped as the princess ran up the hill and shot another fire blast at Hama and kicked a blue wave.

"You escaped?! How!" Hama screeched at the weak girl. She sent a large blast of water at azula but Zuko bended a wall of fire to protect his sister only using one arm.

"Call it part of the game witch," Azula glared at her as her hair fell in her face standing behind her brother.

"If I die I'll bring you both to hell with me," hama snarled but azula jumped over Zuko kicking fire before hama got the chance to blood bend them again.

"Katara get them out of here!" Zuko called back at her as Katara was frozen.

Zuko was suddenly forced to his knees with a cry as Hama bended his body with one hand as azula was already unconscious.

"Hama stop!" Katara screamed. Hama let go of the boy but slammed water against him to send him skidding against the grass.

"Get azula and go!" Zuko panted pushing himself up as he rolled to his feet and punched fire again.

"Your to weak to finish me," Hama clenched her fist at Zuko and he gasped when his broken arm was forced behind him straight only for his shoulder to dislocate as well. A new sound of pain escaped his lips as Katara covered his mouth in fear but ran to azula to make sure she was alive.

"Get up," Katara shook the princess as azula gasped awake but Katara held her arm as the fire bender looked around frantically trying to find her brother.

"Zuko!" Azula yelled as he yelled in pain and held his arm.

"Go! Get out of here!" Zuko yelled as he made eye contact with Katara.

"You can't do anything you pathetic excuse of a prince," Hama glared and forced him back to his knees.

"No ones going to miss you," she hissed for only him to hear. Zuko looked at her in the eyes with a snarl on his face. He mumbled something in a foreign language not breaking his eye contact.

"Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone," Hama raised her head with narrowed eyes. She bended Sokka freed from his hand being frozen and zuko to standing straight as they where forced to almost collide with Sokka's sword straight out.

"Zuko!" Azula reached for her brother with tears running down her face .

"NO!" Katara screamed and the two boys stopped and dropped to their knees before either where hurt.

Hama struggled as she had no control over her own body anymore while Zuko sat on his knees trying to catch his breath, he stared at Katara then Hama with wide eyes, he felt like he couldn't breathe.

Katara closed her eyes as she bended the blood in Hamas body forcing the old wicked woman to the ground as everyone watched.

Toph and the other prisoners ran up the hill to them as Hama looked back. Aang was freed from his icy prison on the tree as he ran to Zukos side.

"Hang in there," Aang told him as Zuko could barely breathe as he stared at the ground, the air was to thick as he gripped his shirt. Aang felt fear tickle him as he never seen the prince like this, so scared, so petrified.

"Your going to be locked away for ever," a man glared at Hama as they put cuffs harshly on her and gripped her shoulders tight.

"My work is done," Hama smiled.

"I'll see you two again, in this life or another," she looked at Azula and Zuko, azula stood up as Aang held onto Zuko almost protectively, staying by his side.

"And congratulations Katara, your a blood bender," she cackled cruely as katara covered her mouth while tears started streaming down her face as Sokka wrapped an arm around his sister letting her cry.

"Are you okay?" Azula ran to her brother as Aang took a step back, she held his face seeing he had a bloody nose.

"Zula she's gone," he breathed.

"We're free, we're free," Azula smiled as he pulled her close. She hiccuped a sob as his muscular arm held her close.

Zuko looked up as he felt eyes on him, he looked at Aang specifically.

He mouthed two words that made Aang smile the slightest at Zuko.

I'm sorry.

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