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"No!" Zuko gasped awake as he sat up quickly to get to his feet but he stumbled back looking around frantically.

He hyperventilated looking side to side but jumped back when he heard shuffling behind him.

"Why are you stomping?" Toph groaned sleeping on her stomach behind him.

"Sorry," Zuko gulped rubbing his face and sat back down.

"Nightmares again?" She asked lifting her head.

"It's nothing," Zuko sighed.

"Was hama that awful?" Toph gulped a little as Zuko looked at her tiredly.

"Yea but it's not a big deal, I've had nightmares as long as I can remember," he shrugged laying on his side.

"Are you scared about today?" She asked.

"No, once the invasion is over the world should go back to peace hopefully," Zuko fiddled with some grass next to him.

"Sorry for waking you up," he said again and Toph knew she wasn't going to get anything out of him and went back to sleep.

Zuko rolled on his back as he saw the sun was staring to come up anyways, he might as well get up and get ready for the day. Today the war was going to end.


"Top of the morning momo!" Aang jumped over to his friends as Zuko was helping Sokka with the plan as Katara got the boys a cup of water, azula was down at the pond washing her face.

"Sounds like you slept well," Katara hummed happily seeing Aang wasn't delusional anymore.

"Like a baby moose lion, I'm ready to face the fire lord," Aang smiled proudly as momo sat on his shoulder.

"So what's your strategy for taking him down? Gonna get your glow on and hit him with the avatar style ass whooping?" Toph put her fists up as Aang stood next to her.

"I can't, when azula shot me down my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to the avatar state," Aang explained as the two water tribe teens looked at Zuko.

"Hey I didn't do it!"

"You know what I just heard? Blah blah avatar mumbo jumbo blah blah something something," Toph tilted her head back with a groan.

"Do you think the fog will delay the invasion? It looks pretty heavy," Azula walked up the hill as she combed her hair out as everyone looked at the ocean.

"No.. that is the invasion!" Sokka gasped getting up excitedly as water tribe ships emerged.

Aang and Toph ran to the shore with everyone close behind as the bended earth from the ocean to make docks for people to unload from the five large ships.

Azula and Zuko hung back as Katara ran fast seeing her father was getting off the lead ship, embracing his daughter tightly as he welcomed Sokka in the hug as well.

"You made it!" Katara hugged him tightly.

"Were you about to locate everyone I asked?" Sokka beamed brightly as he let go and Hakoda kept an arm around his daughter.

"I did... but I'm a little worried Sokka, some of these men aren't exactly warrior type," Hakoda raised a brow as the swamp benders got off the ship in awe of the new land.

"Is it just me or are these men a little loose on the leaf hat?" He mumbled as bato walked past them.

"I just wish they wore pants," he said flatly.

"Dad, I want you to meet someone," Sokka told him as they got off the rock dock as he motioned to azula and Zuko who stood by Aang and Toph.

"Not everyone is going to know them, but this is azula and Zuko, they're the prince and princess of the fire nation," Sokka said in a quieter voice so no one could hear them.

"I'm sorry what?" Hakoda asked confused.

"Isn't he the one that killed your friend?" He whispered to Katara.

"Nope that was me," Azula raised her hand awkwardly.

"Zuko and azula have been on the run from fire lord ozai since the fall of ba sing si, they've been helping us with the the invasion but also are joining to break their uncle out of prison," Katara explained standing next to Zuko as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"They... you trust them?" Hakoda asked pinching the bridge of his nose a little.

"Yes, I do, we all do," Katara nodded with no hesitation as the others agreed.

"Then..." Hakoda looked at them again flatly as Zuko stayed calm and azula had shame in her eyes from what they brought up.

"Then we need to get them out of those fire nation clothes, we have more earth kingdom armor and clothes," he nodded walking up to Zuko holding out his hand.

"It's an honor to fight with you sir," Zuko shook his hand with a stern nod.

"Why are you fighting with us prince Zuko?" The chief asked raising a brow.

"I'm tired of war, and if we don't take down the fire lord then there is going to be no end of this war," Zuko said looking him in the eyes. "This isn't the future I wanted for my people,"

"Bato," Hakoda called.

"Help these kids get some earth kingdom clothes, they're part of the rebellion," he smirked as Zuko let out a small relieved breath.


"How does it look?" Zuko walked over to his friends as sokka we're talking to the adults about the invasion while Aang had a new glider.

Azula wore a dark green pull over dress that was form fitting and had short sleeves with brown tight pants and black boots that went to her knees, she had fingerless gloves that ended at her elbows.

"I think your missing something," Katara handed her a hair tie. Azula took it and took her bangs out of her face as she put her dark hair in a high bun, like she use too.

"I feel ridiculous," Zuko walked over as he wore brown pants as well with a olive green top that held a black belt around his waist, large sleeve ending at his elbows, he wore black boots as well with his pants tucked in.

"That's because your missing something," Sokka looked at him up and down.

"Dad got the swords you asked for," he grabbed a sword holder with what looked like one sword inside. Zuko put it on and took out the swords, spinning them in one hand as he split the sword into two.

"Much better, thank you," Zuko smirked putting them back.

"Alright, Zuko, azula, your with Katara when we get to shore, she'll get you two ahead to your uncle just as we begin the battle," Sokka told them as they nodded.

"As soon as they're dropped you get back and stay ahead taking care of the towers, you have the advantage of the sky," he told his sister as Katara nodded.

"We better take our seats, Sokkas gonna start his presentation soon," Katara touched his arm gently with a smile as she walked past them. Azula gave Zuko a look as she crossed her arms.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Nothing," she smiled following the water bender.

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