One day

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"How'd it work?" Katara ran over to Zuko as they got back from their walk but Aang didn't look any better, he went to a bushed area where he talked to a tree now.

"I have no idea, but I know he's starting to hallucinate," Zuko ran a hand through his hair standing with her.

"Is it bad?" She groaned a little and they saw Aang was now fighting a tree again but now with his air bending.

"Yep," he popped the 'p' watching Aang.

"Did he say what he was hallucinating?" Katara asked biting her lip nervously seeing Aang was in a banter with the tree.

"Something about us kissing then so on, that's why we was being weird before though," Zuko shrugged about it but Katara blinked surprised.

"Us?" She gulped.

"Ha like we weren't enemies like a month ago or anything, that's crazy!" Kataras voice got high as she laughed it off.

"Wow ouch," Zuko smirked teasing as Katara got more flustered.

"Wha- Don't pull that, stop it," she whined stomping her foot a little as he smiled.

"You wouldn't wanna kiss me right? Like that's crazy," Katara sputtered as she couldn't stop blushing.

"I don't think I would, sorry to get your hopes up," he nudged her playfully and Katara laughed a little.

"You're so gross," she pushed back.

"You're no better," Zuko shrugged.

"You both are disgusting," Azula walked past them.

"What's wrong with him?" Toph looked at Aang who was talking to momo.

"Aang?" Katara looked at him. They were ignored.

"I have an idea to get the kid to sleep," Azula crossed her arms.

"Follow me, I'll need help," she motioned and everyone snuck away from aangs imagination of a fight as they were interested in the princess idea. They didn't have many options.

"We might need those drugs too,"


Aang yawned as he walked back to the camp but fog surrounded him as he saw a large size bed that was on a small mount of rocks with some wool on top making it look like a cloud.

He walked up to it and tapped his foot on the side and touched the bed suspiciously and laid across the top of it not knowing what it was for.

"Oh look, another hallucination, an imaginary bed made out of clouds," Aang laid his face on it.

"Hey it's real!" Toph was standing near it with everyone around them.

"We spent hours working on it," she smirked proudly.

"We made it for you, a good night sleep will probably take the crazy away, it was azulas idea actually," Sokka explained as he stood by shaven koala sheep.

"Look you guys keep telling me I need to sleep, but I can't! The invasion is tomorrow!" Aang jumped out of the bed frowning.

"Aang-" "no Katara, there's still so much I need to learn, I don't need sleep, what I need is practice, quick, hit me," Aang put his fists up but Zuko put a hand on his shoulder with a squeeze.

"A man needs his rest," Zuko told him calmly.

"He's right, and I've seen your progress, your smart, brave, and strong enough," Katara smiled down at him and Aang looked at her, he would believe every word that came from her lips. 

"You really think so?" Aang asked.

"We all do," Sokka smiled.

"Yea, you can do it," Azula smirked a little standing with them. Aang looked back at Zuko, he nodded.

"Your the man twinkle toes," Toph finger gunned at him.

"Thanks guys... all of you," Aang pursed his lips and let out a loud yawn.

He crawled into the bed and laid on his side getting comfy.

"You know, I think I am ready," Aang mumbled tiredly.

Katara looked at her friends and motioned to leave him alone as they went back to the camp fire as appa and momo were sleeping.

"I Uh... I made some jasmine lavender tea," Zuko sat down as he pulled the tea pot off the of the fire.

"Really?" Azula made a face.

"It calms the nerves, I thought it'd maybe... sorry yea it was a dumb idea," Zuko inhaled sharply with his chest tightening in embarrassment.

"I'd love a cup, if you make tea like your uncle I'm all for it," Toph raised her hand high.

"Sure I'll have one too," Sokka smiled grabbing more cups for them all.

"The lavender is suppose to help sleep," Zuko bit his lip a little.

"I'll have some too," Katara smiled over at him.

Zuko gulped as he poured the tea in five cups and azula passed a cup down till everyone got one and she sipped the tea, the steaming water didn't bother her as much.

"Zuko I'm sorry for the other night, I hope you know I don't mean it," Azula sighed as she looked at him guiltily.

"It's okay," he whispered pursing his lips.

"It's really not, I had no right to say it," she put her hand over his.

"Your my brother, I know we'll fight but I shouldn't be nasty, thanks for not leaving me," Azula gulped but Zuko smiled at her and pulled her close with one arm over her.

"Let go!" She gasped as the three others snickered a little seeing zukos stronger hold was around the smaller girl, she may be a better bender but Zuko was physically stronger and could hold her.

"I'm not going to leave you Zula, no lies and no backstabbing, also means no leaving," he whispered to her and Azula sighed giving up in her brothers hold as she went limp like a cat.

"Your not letting go are you?" She sighed.

"Fine I can," Zuko released as everyone laughed a little.

"Are you sleeping tonight?" Katara asked as Zuko finished his cup.

"I'll try, it'd be hypocritical if I didn't," Zuko nodded at her.

"The full eight hours?" She smirked.

"No promises," Zuko smirked.

Toph smiled to herself as she could feel their heartbeats. Heart beating faster every time they talked to each other it seemed, she could feel that Zuko was more willing to talk to Katara out of all of them, his body heated up and he actually laughed and teased around her. Toph knew better.
She loved being able to see things more clearly than everyone else, it was just fun at this point.

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