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"Nothing is better than an online drink after the torture that is detention," I sigh in delight after chugging down the contents of the wooden mug in one go.

"Are you always this dramatic?" Minho snorts, momentarily glancing up from the menu he is scrolling through.

After getting out of detention, we grabbed a bite in a small diner near campus and separated ways to go home and meet in Parallel again. It wasn't long before we entered a small tavern in Ninyo, settling in a booth more towards the back of the space. It's a smaller and less-known tavern we haven't been to before, a little distance from the bustling center of this city, but it has a very warm and welcoming atmosphere and I'll definitely come here more often. I should totally drag Felix and Seungmin here one day as well.

"You should've known by now that I'm very extra sometimes," I reply, looking up at the boy with a teasing grin. "Why, getting second thoughts already? No refunds, you're stuck with me for a while now."

"Only for a while?" Minho raises a brow questioningly, and I quickly shake my head.

"No, no, you're never getting rid of me. You'll be stuck with my love eternally."

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear."

With a satisfied, almost cat-like grin, the older leans back in his seat a little, glancing around the tavern quickly. While his tone is light and teasing, they also hold a strong sincerity that you'll miss if you don't know the boy well enough. So we're really already talking about forever, huh? What did I do to deserve him?

I smile softly, like the love-struck guy I am. But the small moment of peace is very short-lasted, cut off aggressively when a group of players enters the tavern quite loudly.

"There they are!" a deep voice exclaims, and Minho and I groan in unison. Of course this was bound to happen sooner or later.

"I had a feeling you two would be here," Felix greets us, slipping into the booth. He almost ends up on my lap, having to scoot over a lot when Changbin flops down next to him. Three people on two-person's seat, seems legit.

"Actually, we just found your coordinates in our friend list," Chan corrects him, looking a bit awkward as he's squished between Minho and Seungmin in the seat opposite of us.

"Well, you found us," Minho utters, clearly uncomfortable now that he's basically pressed against the wall.

"Yes, we did," Felix nods, trying to get as comfortable as he can, still half on my lap. "Hello hello."

"Guys, everyone is looking at us," Seungmin whines, looking like he wants nothing but to disappear.

"I learned that it comes naturally with being friends with you guys," Changbin mutters, and Felix gives him a knowing look.

"You don't sound like you're complaining."

"I'm definitely not complaining," the boy in black declares, earning a satisfied smile from the boy next to him.

"So, that kiss," Chan starts, successfully cutting short all the ongoing conversations. He looks between me and my boyfriend smugly. "What was that?"

"What do you mean?" Minho coolly replies, flashing me a quick look that I fail to decipher the meaning of. "It's not like you haven't seen us kissing before."

"You legit went for it in front of the entire cafeteria," Felix counters, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"That has to mean something," Seungmin adds, and the orange-haired boy nods earnestly.

"Spill the tea, sisters."

Minho and I exchange another look, and as the other leaves out a small sigh, I nonchalantly shrug my shoulders.

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