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Before I can even blink, the plains that originally surrounded us are replaced by small stone buildings in the bustling city named Zyx. It takes all my strength and concentration not to stumble forwards and throw up and I mainly use Lino's strong grip for support.

Somehow, I manage to and I'm satisfied with how I handled this teleportation. Usually, I pull off a lot worse and end up making a mess of myself. It might sound stupid and overdramatic but teleporting really makes me sick and no matter how often I do it, I can't seem to get used to it.

It takes me a full minute to realize that I'm still holding onto Lino's hand and I quickly let go, focusing on my surroundings instead. It's been a while since I've been in Zyx, the second-largest city in the area for my level, behind Nox. The two cities look pretty much alike, the only big difference is that Zyx is more on the brighter side while Nox sports a darker atmosphere, matching its name.

"The shop is a little down the street," the other boy announces, making a lame gesture in the mentioned direction before he walks off, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that I'm still behind him.

I often forget that the shopping streets of Zyx are a lot more lively than in Nox, with cheerfully decorated shop facades and bright colors draped over small wooden stalls that are everywhere. NPC  musicians play cheerful melodies on their lutes and dancers smile at us when we walk past them.

The sun is shining down brightly upon the streets that are filled with both players and NPCs. Dark wooden signs with intricate letters in bright painting adorn the shop fronts, inviting us to come in and update our inventory. In contrary to Nox, a lot of buildings are made of white stones. It really lacks the glumly and dull-ish atmosphere that dwells in the other city. People dance to the music, laughing and chatting with others on their way over the streets.

I can't help but glance around in awe, the happy liveliness of this town rendering me silent.

"Never been here before?" Lino questions as he catches my gaze and I shake my head in denial, the soft sound of his voice drawing me back to reality.

"I've been here before, I just don't come here often," I explain, shrugging my shoulders. "For some reason, I've always preferred Nox over Zyx but every time I come here, I always find myself questioning that."

"Me too, though," the other comments, casting a quick glance on our surroundings. "I prefer Nox as well since Zyx is a little too bright for me. But when it comes to shopping, I always go to Zyx since the merchants that settled here offer better goods."

It's not hard to believe that after seeing all these shops and market stalls along the street.

"Say, do you even have enough credits for this?" Lino then asks, looking as if he just thought of that. "Booster rings aren't cheap and you just bought a horse yesterday."

"I think I'm good, I got a crazy discount when I bought her so I guess I can buy a few," I reply, spotting the jewelry store in the distance.

"Don't blame me if you leave that store completely broke," the other boy warns me with a grin as he pulls me towards the white building.

"I asked you for shopping advice so you are exactly who I'm going to blame if that happens," I counter, to which Lino just chuckles as we enter the jewelry store.

The inside draws a small gasp from me.

It's really overwhelming, the inside of this jeweler shining around twenty times brighter than the previous ones I visited.

The entire interior is solely illuminated by torches, holding the dancing flames that crack softly once in a while. There are gold and silver items lined up everywhere you look, some neatly placed on stone shelves while others are displayed on sturdy wooden tables. A huge chandelier hangs from the ceiling, carrying almost one hundred tiny dancing flames. The light makes the jewels shine radiantly, just like the well-kept iron armor of the guards that are positioned everywhere in the store, standing there like living statues that are ready to strike in case of larceny.

digital heart | minsung | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora