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It took me ten minutes to convince Seungmin that I wasn't going to another party. Ten whole minutes before I finally got to leave our dorm without a concerned Seungmin dragging me right back in. I get it, going to a party and returning absolutely wasted probably didn't do well to my friends' fate in me, but I really learned from that mistake and there's no way I'll impulsively go to a drinking party on my own ever again.

Plus, I don't have a reason to drink the pain of heartbreak away any longer, do I?

For pretty obvious reasons, I didn't tell Seungmin that I was going to Minho's apartment. Doing so only would've resulted in more questions, doubts, and skeptical remarks. I understand where he would come from; he doesn't have any reason to like Minho right now, but I'll just tell him about the most recent developments later.

I just wanted to see Minho as soon as possible, and losing those ten minutes was already bad enough.

My heart beats with excitement as I practically skip over the sidewalk, every fiber in my being anticipating to see the older boy. He doesn't live too far away from the campus -barely a fifteen-minute walk- and the gentle summer evening makes it even pleasant to be outside.

Guided by Google Maps, I round another corner, and the robotic female voice tells me that I have reached my destination. There's a large apartment complex on the other side of the road, and my heart nervously skips a beat as I realize that Minho is in there, living in one of the apartments, and that I'm about to meet him in real life without any negativity for the very first time.

I'll meet the Minho I fell in love with instead of the boy who lived under a strong facade created by pain and fear.

After quickly scanning the surroundings, I cross the street and beeline towards the entrance of the fairly large building. After counting six floors, I'm suddenly glad that Minho lives on the first.

I hardly pay attention to the surroundings as I hurry up the stairs that lead to the first floor. Not that there's much to notice to begin with; the decor of the building is kept simple and minimalistic, almost empty and blank.

It's also completely abandoned, even though it's not even ten pm yet. There's no one around, and my footsteps bouncing off the walls are the only sound to be heard as I search for apartment 14‐1, number fourteen on the first floor. The rhythm of my steps give away that I'm way more excited than all the days of past week combined, and it unconsciously brings a grin to my face.

Agreeing to talk to Minho really was the best decision ever. I'm so glad I didn't turn it down.

Before I know it, I come to a halt in front of apartment number fourteen. I'll just admit it; I might be a bit nervous, but not enough to stop me from bringing my hand up to ring the doorbell.

A bit restless, I shift my weight from one foot the other, unable to stand still as I wait for someone to open the front door. Surely, after a moment of waiting, it swings open, revealing Chan with messy hair and a toothbrush in his hands. His eyes widen in surprise upon seeing me, but his expression soon melts into a smile as he steps aside.

"Hey, Jisung. Come in."

Smiling awkwardly, I enter the apartment. Earlier today, I wasn't exactly nice to him, but it doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest.

"Minho is in his room," Chan informs me, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder towards what seems to be the living room. "It's the left door behind the couch."

I nod and venture further into the apartment, crossing the living room without paying any mind to what it looks like. My usual curious nature seems completely discarded and I walk past the couch that's situated a little from the wall, allowing the two doors behind it room to open freely.

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