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Somehow, Felix and Seungmin managed to convince me to attend classes the next day, but it was as much of a disaster as I expected it to be. My focus was nowhere to be found, I was on the verge of breaking down in tears more than once, and of course I had to see Minho everywhere.

And he was always surrounded by a bunch of girls, clinging onto him as if their lives depended on it.

I don't know if I was happy with the fact that he didn't look at me, or if it only hurt me more. At this moment, I wasn't sure about a lot of things, all of them revolving around my situation with Minho and the aftereffects.

I never missed the death glares Seungmin sent him, nor did I miss how Felix looked like he was about to jump Minho whenever he saw him in the crowd. Felix also told me how he isn't necessarily talking to Changbin at this moment, because he didn't do anything to stop this or warn me when he had the chance.

In the span of a mere day, the guild had fallen apart to how it was before; just Seungmin, Felix and me, with the three older guys as mere strangers rather than guildmates. So far, I'm still the only one that officially left, though. Maybe the others still have hope of fixing things, but I definitely don't.

Everything is a mess at this point.

Somehow I made it to lunch, without really remembering the classes I attended throughout the morning. The chaotic cafeteria isn't exactly what I need right now, but Felix promised his roommate that we would join him and his friend for lunch. I decided to join them as well; who knows, it might serve as a good distraction.

We make our way between the tables, trays of food in our hands while Felix is looking for Eric. The chatter of students is pounding on my eardrums, only increasing the headache I had been feeling ever since I woke up. Last night, I hardly slept at all, and every muscle of my body feels weak and worn-out. Relief washes over me as we find Eric in the crowd, waving excitedly from his spot around a table he shares with three other boys.

Felix instantly sinks down on the free chair next to Eric, pulling me on the chair next to him. One thing I discovered about Felix after meeting him, is that he's the type of really protective best friend in case of emergency, so he hasn't left my side ever since I left my dorm room.

He has no clue how much I appreciate it.

Seungmin awkwardly takes a seat between the two unfamiliar guys, placing his tray in front of him. There are a few empty seats left, and I wonder how many others are going to join this table.

I find myself spacing out immediately, missing the first round of conversation. Felix seems to mingle with the others just fine, and so does Seungmin, while I'm missing out on their names and have no clue who I'm surrounded with. I don't care, honestly. Mindlessly, I poke in my food, having no appetite at all. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. I just want to go back to my dorm, maybe even go back to my house and bawl my eyes out in front of my mom. She always seems to know what to say or do, and I could really use that right now.

"Hey, Earth to Jisung," Seungmin calls, and I look up to see all eyes on me.

"All of us have been calling your name for a full minute now, are you okay?" Eric asks, genuine concern in his eyes.

Were the current circumstances different, I probably would have befriended the guy right away. He's a nice and honest person, with the right amount of crack and humor. But the circumstances are as they are, and I guess I'll just have to befriend him later.

"Yeah, yeah, I am," I mutter dismissingly, taking a small bite of my meal to emphasize my words.

"You're the guy I saw looking at Lee Minho earlier. Do you maybe... swing what way?" one of the two guys opposite of me suddenly asks, brushing his black hair away from his forehead while looking at me curiously.

digital heart | minsung | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora