We've choose there because we want to stay far away and plan our future Without the help of our parents.

Miss Sharkey would be visiting her family before Christmas so she can stay and help out during Christmas.

I can't afford not to see her on Christmas day and she loves to stay. We've even given her invitations for her parents and siblings,  and she has promised to convince them to come and join in the celebration. She only has sisters and she happens to be the last child.

On the other hand, Win and Chan are living it,  they are a cute couple, they got married last two years, after Chan could not bear to keep her a virgin  for so long.

They have little Adriana, she's a baby of beauty. She has charming green eyes, black hair and full brows and short full lashes.

Her lips are full like Win's, including her face, her baby smile is one thing you can't miss in the morning.

She's my God daughter, most times I take her to grocery store and people can't stop staring,  she's exquisite.  Many ahhs and wows from people when I walk with her.

She's so cute that I get jealous not being her mom so I can keep her forever.  I know one day I'll hold my own baby.

Bridge and Hayley  just got engaged, but Hayley is three weeks pregnant.  I trust Bridge not to take things nice and slow,  he endured for six years just like Cole and I, though we are younger than the others and we want to take ours nice and slow.

I've asked Cole, for the second time if he's ready to take the responsibility of a father, and his response is like the first time not favourable.
   So why should I push myself into something I'll regret. He insisted that he will be a Father only when he's married, according to him, he can't share his love with mother and Child just yet.

He feels that way because of his adopted mom,   he loved her like she gave birth to him, but she left super early after suffering from Cadasil. Maybe he doesn't want the baby to bring back memories he has moved on without.

I've been scared of sleeping in Cole's place, ever since we started dating, because I don't know if I snore or sleep rough, though he hasn't complained about it, and it's so embarrassing to ask .

I have a long schedule to tackle today, I need to get some items from the store for Christmas, and go with Bridge to buy baby clothes for Hayley since she will be traveling next year after Christmas to start a life with Bridge, Bridge worships her like a goddess, he has called in yesterday asking me to accompany him to the store "I don't want her stressing herself going to the store to get anything". He told me on the phone, he got her a PA that will assist her in doing some works, and it frustrates her as hell to do the same little thing everyday, "Babe it's not big deal, it's something I can handle". She would protest anytime he ask her to just relax. To laugh at the admirable cuties has always been my thing,  I even go as far as mimicking her when we have girls meeting, not a necessary meeting per say, just hangout and talk about life, and plan our future ahead.

I need to accompany Dad to the hospital, even though he insisted I shouldn't come along, I'm so stubborn to listen so I'll be going later in the day and Cole decided to come along too,  Dad loves him around. He feels we are really going to make a cute couple.

Speaking of the future, I've applied in an Agency for children's care, I'm seeing towards getting my own agency for child's motivation, but that would be after I've gained mastery in the embassy.  I've spoken to dad and he has given me his consent. I really don't want to depend on him,  I want to mix it up and make it like a medical care center and also a motivational center the facilities for children's skill acquisition would be provided.

I and Iya's dream, will be put to perfection, I'll supply equipment for disabled children, make legal drugs  and use my words and finances to support children, Cole is with me on this one he constantly reminds me that he will always be there to support me and I'm just too grateful for that.

Cole is building an agency, he brought the idea to his dad before and he kicked against it, his dad wants him to work for him but Cole doesn't want that, I spoke to him to just work for his dad but still push through with the agency without him knowing,  it's our little secret,  he took my advice and he's working as a managing director In his dad's  animation company, it's the one he has interest for, his dad wanted him in the oil company but he disagree, during short breaks from school I help dad in his organization and he is always please to have me.

Cole and I believe we can do whatsoever without our parents, and that's the spirit talking, He built a bigger foster home where Abby can take care good the children with more nannies to help her out, in honour of Ma'am Nessa, who passed away some years back after suffering from cadasil like Cole's mom. She would have lived to see the children moved to a better foster home before meeting new parents.

Life is worth happening when you are busy making other plans.

"You've been thinking a lot since you woke up,  mind sharing? ". Cole asked as he pull me away from his chest.

I blush caressing his cheeks before giving him a morning kiss.
"So romantic ". He testified before turning me over so he can be on top, but he put his elbow to the bed so all his weight is not on me.
He is tickling me to death, I try escaping from under him but it's mission impossible.

After what seems like forever, he pulls me to sit on his lap and kiss me earnestly.

"Ready to begin the day?". He asked me and I nod recovering from the kiss.

"let's have our bathe together". He said looking at the bathroom, I roll my eyes, jump down from his lap and race my way to the bathroom before him.

I can't afford to bathe in the same fanny as him, his laughter is all over the place, on a second thought I think he did it purposely.  I hate this.

This is the first chapter for the part two
Hope you love the little flashback I made...... I'll be expecting your votes, comments and shares.

     Love you all to the moon and back.

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