six (edited x2)

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louist91: oh no
louist91: oh no oh no oh no

harrystyles: what?

louist91: oh my god

harrystyles: are you okay??

louist91: I just read last night's texts

harrystyles: ohhh haha

louist91: I am so sorry this is mortifying
louist91: in case you couldn't tell I was really drunk

harrystyles: yeah I figured

louist91: oh my god I'm so embarrassed
louist91: I sent a picture of my ass- oh my god I can't face you, like ever again

harrystyles: No wait it's okay
harrystyles: Don't stop talking to me
harrystyles: I'd miss you too much

louist91: I'm never going to be able to erase this this from my memory

harrystyles: It's okay I promise
harrystyles: At least it was clothed

louist91: this is going to haunt me while I'm trying to fall asleep for the next 6 years

harrystyles: Hahahaha

louist91: I'm still really embarrassed
louist91: there's nothing you can say that will make the embarrassment stop
louist91: I'll just suffer in silence :(

harrystyles: Fine
harrystyles: But I forgive you

louist91: that's good

harrystyles: :)

louist91: I'm still really sorry tho

harrystyles: Hahaha I swear it's okay, I was a little startled but it's alright

louist91: I still don't believe you but fine...
louist91: wait you said you'd miss me earlier

harrystyles: Yeah

louist91: would you really?

harrystyles: Yeah I would

louist91: I'd miss you too

harrystyles: :)

louist91: ugh it's getting kinda late and I've got a giant headache, so I'm gonna go to bed

harrystyles: Okay(^∇^)

louist91: goodnight haz

harrystyles: Goodnight:)
harrystyles: Wait, haz?

louist91: yep
louist91: it's the new nickname I promised you
louist91: I know I already gave you curly but I though of haz and had to use it

harrystyles: I like it (╹◡╹)

louist91: that's good :)
louist91: okay now I really need to go to sleep
louist91: goodnight :)

harrystyles: Goodnight lou <3

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