thirty one

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harrystyles: I know it's late, but I just wanted to say hi :)

louist91: hey there :)

harrystyles: Y'know, I literally cannot believe I'm seeing you in person in like a month

louist91: it doesn't seem real

harrystyles: I'm kinda freaking out

louist91: same, actually

harrystyles: Like what if we don't get along in person? or I have a weird habit that makes you irritated and you don't want to be around me

louist91: harry
louist91: there is nothing you could do that could make me not want to be around you
louist91: even if you put the milk in before the cereal
louist91: you'd be on thin ice, but your personality overpowers even a crime as horrible as that

harrystyles: But I'm so much quieter in person, and I get embarrassed easily, and I kind of invade people's personal space by accident, which really bothers some people

louist91: love, all of that only makes you more wonderful, okay ? I can honestly say that you are my favorite person, and that's not going to change when I meet you in person

harrystyles: Really?

louist91: really.

harrystyles: Okay :) thank you, I know I'm just being ridiculous, but that was really worrying me

louist91: there's nothing to be worried about. we're gonna get on like a fucking house on fire, because that's how we are, and it's gonna be great

harrystyles: Alright :)
harrystyles: I should get to sleep, I've got school tomorrow

louist91: goodnight love

harrystyles: G'night

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