seventy five

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Louis and Harry were sitting in Harry's backyard, chatting idly as the sun shone overhead. Harry picked at the thin blades of the grass the two had sprawled out on, while Louis simply laid back, content to gaze at Harry as he went off on another of his tangents. His cheeks were pink from sun exposure, and today, he had tied his hair up into a sort of bun, though the bottom layer wasn't quite long enough to reach where the tie was fastened, so several strands had fallen free to rest at the base of Harry's neck. He wore a comically large jumper that nearly drowned his thin frame; an impressive feat, considering he was nearly six feet tall and still growing.

It was all quite the scene.

Louis, in comparison, was quite comfortable in his jeans and what was, if you looked very closely, a Rolling Stones tee. The emblem had long since faded away, leaving only a few scraps of faded color behind. He rolled the stem of a flower between his fingers, the motion soothingly repetitive.

His conversation with Harry the night before had put any lingering worries to rest, and Louis had to admit, it was an incredible weight off of his shoulders. If Harry was confident that they would make it, then who was Louis to question him? He'd much rather enjoy his last proper day with Harry than spend it fretting over easily remedied problems anyway.

"Harry," Louis said softly when Harry's rambling lulled.

Harry looked over, a lazy smile curving his lips. "Hm?"

"Thanks for... y'know. Letting me stay here. Asking me to come visit. All of it."

Harry reached out to squeeze Louis' hand tightly. "Thanks for agreeing to come. This has been the best week in... well, ever, I think."

"Yeah," Louis breathed. "It really has." He brought Harry's hand up to his lips, pressing a delicate kiss to his knuckles before shifting closer to rest his head on Harry's chest.

They sat like that for a long while, only the sounds of Harry's quiet breathing and the gentle breeze loud enough to hear. Eventually, though, the cool warmth of the morning sun morphed into blazing summer heat, and the two retreated inside, opting to curl back up together on Harry's bed.

Harry stretched out on the bed, sighing happily at the cool air blown in his direction by the fan in the corner of his room.


Harry grunted halfheartedly in response, keeping his eyes closed as he sprawled further out on the mattress.

"Harry, you're taking up the entire bed. Shove over."

"Don't wanna."

Louis laughed and pushed Harry over to the right side of the bed, leaving the left free for him. As soon as he had settled down, Harry wriggled back over to him, resting his head in Louis' lap and grinning up at him. Louis smiled back at him, the expression filled with fondness. He tapped on Harry's shoulder. "Scoot up, I wanna give you a cuddle."

Harry beamed, pushing himself upright and leaning back into Louis' embrace. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's slender frame, burying his nose in the crook of his neck and letting out a happy sigh. Harry hummed contentedly.

There weren't many things better than this exact moment, than being cuddled up with Harry in the comfort of his room, Louis thought. Nothing else mattered, save for whatever he had done to deserve this past week, to deserve Harry in general.

Eventually, Louis pulled away slightly in favor of admiring Harry. It was something he seemed to do quite often these days. He carded his fingers through Harry's curls, letting his eyes roam Harry's features.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very pretty?"

Harry laughed softly, craning his neck so that he could look at Louis. "Yes, actually, you have, many times."

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