twenty two

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Louis' phone rang obnoxiously, and he fished it out of his pocket haphazardly, trying to keep his eyes on the road and a hand on the steering wheel. Eventually, he succeeded, and Louis accepted the call, propping his phone up on the dashboard.

"Hey there stranger," he said fondly. "What's up?"

"My mum left me alone in the house because I have school off today and I am so bored," Harry groaned.

"Do you have any assignments to catch up on or something? You could do that," Louis proposed.

"Hey, wait, I have an idea!" Harry exclaimed, completely ignoring Louis' suggestion. His side of the line went silent for a moment, but then he spoke again. "Ha, look at that, this is actually fu—,"

Louis heard a clatter and a couple muffled curses from the other side of the line, along with some scuffling, but then all he heard was Harry's irritable sigh.

"Sorry, I dropped my phone under the couch by accident," Harry explained, and Louis let out a loud laugh.

"How do you even manage to do that?" he asked incredulously.

"Well, I thought it would be a good idea to cure my boredom by leaning as far over the back of the couch as possible," Harry began, and Louis did his best to muffle his laughter. "And then I was talking to you while I leaned over like that, and the phone just... slipped out of my hands."

"Harry. Darling." The pet name slipped out of Louis' mouth by accident, and he quickly moved on. "I mean this with all the love in my heart: you are so fucking stupid sometimes."

"Hey!" Harry protested indignantly. "I am not."

Louis pressed his lips together, holding back a smile. "You literally dropped your phone because you were doing gymnastics over the back of the couch."

"That does not qualify as stupid," Harry argued, and Louis just hummed noncommittally. "It doesn't!" Louis laughed loudly at the offended tone of Harry's voice.

"Fine, fine, it doesn't," he relented, and Harry made a self-satisfied noise that was a mix between a hum and a grunt.

Louis finally pulled into the Tesco parking lot, circling as he looked for a parking spot.

"Alright curly, I've arrived at the store, so I should— Hey that was my spot you asshole!" Louis cut his own sentence off as someone pulled into the spot he had been waiting for, and Harry's laughter rang through the tiny speakers of Louis' phone.

"Well, I suppose I should go," Louis said, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"Talk to you later?" Harry asked hopefully, and Louis' eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled.

"Of course. Bye, curly."

"Bye, Lou!"

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