one (edited)

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louist91: heyyyyyyy ;)

harrystyles: uhhhh, who is this?

louist91: Aw, dont pretend you don't remember me

harrystyles: no, for real, I have no clue who you are....

louist91: you're Harry Sawyer, right?

harrystyles: It literally says my last name in my username.

louist91: shit
louist91: I assumed that you just liked styling things or something

harrystyles: yeah no, it's my last name.

louist91: Well this is embarrassing. Sorry about that. I'll leave you in peace now :|

harrystyles: no wait, I like talking to you, you seem cool, come back whatever your name is

harrystyles: and who's Harry Sawyer?

harrystyles: hello? are you there?

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