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louist91: hey

harrystyles: hi

louist91: are you okay? last night you seemed pretty upset...

harrystyles: yeah, I'm okay now

louist91: do you want to talk about it yet? I'm here if you do :)

harrystyles: yeah, I guess
harrystyles: it's not a big deal

louist91: you were crying, it was at big for you at least

harrystyles: I guess you're right
harrystyles: basically, you know how I said the people here suck? I went out for a walk and one of the people in my class found me... he just said some pretty shitty things about me and my family. I usually just try to ignore it and not get worked up, but I had a really bad day, and it was just too much and I needed someone to talk to.

louist91: oh curly, I'm so sorry
louist91: if I was there I'd give you a hug, but I'm not, so just pretend I am

harrystyles: thank you :) you know, I really liked talking with you last night, do you think we could maybe do it again sometime?

louist91: absolutely babe ;)

harrystyles: dork

louist91: ouch
louist91: you hurt my feeling >:(

harrystyles: just the one?

louist91: yeah, that's all I've got. it takes a lot of energy to grow a new one you know, so don't go damaging it

harrystyles: fineeee
harrystyles: but you know I was kidding right

louist91: yeah, of course

harrystyles: okay. I just didn't want you to think I was being mean

louist91: don't worry love ;)

harrystyles: I have to go :( my sister is calling me to come paint her nails
harrystyles: bye lou <3

louist91: bye Haz :)

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