I jump on my spot when a loud sound of police talking through speakers, booms in the air, but I ignore it and keep doing the work faster, "If the German spies can hear me, the police and European soldiers have surrounded you from all sides. There is no way you can escape now. You should surrender yourself to us. I repeat..."

The police kept repeating the same thing, again and again, making me more frustrated. When the hundreds of paper are above the enigma machine, I take the matchbox which is kept on the table, and lit five-six sticks together, and threw it, on the papers.

The papers instantly catch fire. That's when it struck me, few more important papers are still outside, which I kept before going down to bring the key. I immediately run outside.

Picking up the papers, I again rush inside the attic and quickly dispose of the last papers in the fire. Looking everywhere in the attic, I sigh in relief and move towards the door.

"Mrs Eva, Please move fast." I get rooted in my spot when I hear Eva's name. Not believing my ears, I go towards the small window. Good thing that they won't be able to see me due to the smoke in the air because of the fire and the size of the circular window was a little small.

The heat was unbearable, and I almost got drenched with my sweat. I peep outside to find Eva with a suitcase in her hand. She was talking to the officer who stood with the white speaker in hand. Soon after, Lucas comes out of the house with more bags and locks his door. He looks at the house in which I was and then at the house where Leo and Lambert lived.

He walks towards Eva, and stand beside her. The officer shakes his hand with him smiling. I frown looking at them. Could it be Lucas who called the officers to inform about us? No... No! What am I thinking!?

"Congratulations." He wishes him and then realises that his mike was still on, and quickly offs it, My eyes furrow, not knowing what he congratulated him for.

The smoke becomes unbearable, and I felt difficult to breathe. My eyes watered and burnt. I took a deep breath, but the smoke hit my nostrils very hard, making me cough continuously.

"I don't think anyone is there, it is a false alarm." I hear the officer saying. Taking this as an advantage to escape, I move towards the door but hit something making me fall on the floor on my chest. I faintly hear my chest bone crack, increasing the pain. I rub my eyes and look everywhere, but the smoke blinds me.

I couldn't take it anymore, I almost felt losing my sanity to escape from this smoke, and therefore unknowingly, I stood up, and opened the window, and inhaled a quick fresh air because the smoke started moving outside. I curse under my breath when all eyes turn towards me.

This caught everyone's attention, including Lucas and Eva. I look at Lucas, still coughing loudly. Lucas gets stunned on his spot and Eva gasps and covers her mouth. Both kept looking at me worriedly. Regrating my stunt, I look helplessly at everyone's shocked faces.

"Move inside!" The chief officer orders and a few officers, who stood near the gates move inside the house.

Before I could think of another plan, I felt a pinch on my chest, and I stumbled on my spot. I caught the area where it pained and looked at it only to find my hand covered with my blood. Growling, I look at the spot to find someone shot me from down. I looked outside to find who it was, but only to find Lucas standing there, with a gun pointed towards me. My heart skipped a beat looking at him.

I hiss painfully when the bullet in my chest blade slices sensitive tissues. My heart couldn't believe what I saw, but my mind was arguing to believe it.

The smoke almost vanished, and I destroyed the papers and machine. I go towards the door, and closed it from inside. The junked latch gets covered with blood, which was in my hand.

I wipe my hands roughly on my white shirt, which turned red, and take my gun, and stand in the middle of the room, ready to shoot them. I hear them coming closer, but the black spots started forming in front of me. I quickly blink my eyes, making it away. At the same time, my legs gave up, and I kneeled.


The officers tried to open the door, but they couldn't. I smiled. Sometimes even the junked things help you. If the door was not old, and tough to open, they would have come inside easily. I kept looking at it, feeling lassitude.

After a few attempts at banging the door open, the latch shakes, and in no time the latch brakes, and falls on the ground making the door open.

I became alert after seeing them, and my grip my gun tightly. I aim at the officers, and within a few seconds, I shot everyone in the middle of their forehead. Everyone was dead on the ground with a bleeding head.

The last person to enter was the Chief himself. He was ready to shoot me, and so was I.

I pulled the trigger and clicked it, but I had already used all.

I felt my body going numb, so I throw away the gun and raise my hand for surrender. But in halfway, I chock and vomit blood. I catch my chest and hiss in pain. The pinch was like a hammer, giving pain and going, giving pain and going. I groan loudly as I feel my skin tearing.

I looked down to see the place where I stood in was pooled up with my blood. The officer came closer slowly and starts speaking something, but I couldn't hear him. I could just see his mouth moving.

I lie down on my spot, but I couldn't feel anything, and black spots started covering my vision again. I close my eyes. I was feeling like the room was closing in. Sweat starts bending down my forehead, and my breathing became harsh. I tried to calm myself, but I couldn't because of the pain.

Suddenly, Lucas's image comes in front of my closed eye. My body grows in anger as the memories of our past flash in my mind like a film. I seethe and quickly open my eyes.

That bastard, I hate him now!

"I Agent Lorenzo Brooks, am not a coward. I would make your life hell! Lucas Thompson, you were dear to me, but now you are not. I will kill you.... and....your family... I will come back..." I wanted to speak more, but I felt difficult to breathe. I hunch over and try to regain my breathing, but I find my attempts futile. A tear escaped my eyes, feeling betrayed. I again saw the black patches forming in my eyes, and that is the last thing I remember before seeing the bright white lights.

The End of a Tale, For a New Beginning. The End of Part 1.

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