The State of lobstah and buttah

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Lizzie taps my arm leaning closer to my ear 'Oh my sweet baby Jesus Hae, there's two of them.' Lizzie says under her breath watching Malfoy and Narcissa's bantering 'Hazel, can you come with me to the restroom?' Her cheeks darken due to the sudden attention 'I don't know where it is lib.' The shade on her face darkens as she carefully removed her sweater tying it around her waist 'Oh.' Malfoy rose a brow instantly taking the hint from my sister Fissy appears with a bow 'A letter arrived for Mistress Narcissa.' Taking the letter she smiled gratefully 'Yes thank you Fissy before you go escort Hazel and her sister to the ladies powder room.' Fissy nods her large head with a smile 'Of course this way Missus Hazel and Missus Hazel's sister.' Holding up her tiny hand while silently asking for approval I hold out my hand wrapping it around her teeny fingers 'Lead the way Princess Fissy.' The tiny house elf gawks in awe as she looks at Lizzie, her round eyes swell as she tugs us by the hand through the door 'Did I offend her?' Lizzie mumbled awkwardly scratching the back of her neck as the little house elf leads us down the large hallway, away from the tearoom 'No! No Missus! Fissy is just shocked Missus, only mistress has given me a lovely nickname Missus I'm sorry if I angered you, Missus! Please don't punish me!' Fissy wails hopping from leg to leg 'Dude! Get her to stop! Why is she hitting herself?' Elizabeth jumps back in alarm as Fissy began smacking her forehead against the wall.

'Fissy! If you don't stop hitting yourself you won't get a gift from me.' I admonish carefully slipping my hand between the wall and her head right as she smacks her head off of it again 'I'm sorry Missus Hazel, Fissy didn't mean to upset you too!' Her wails get louder drawing the attention of both Malfoy's 'Lizzie isn't accustomed to erhm.' Malfoy nods his head once 'Fissy stop punishing yourself and that's an order.' Her large head stops beating off of my knuckles and the palm of my hand apposed to the thick wall of the manor. 'Thank you.' I mouthed ushering Lizzie into the bathroom after slipping her the emergency pad and tampon bag I carried with me everywhere.

I landed on my arse with a groan lifting myself off the ground I winced rubbing my elbow, thankful for the soft snow cushioning my head from my clumsy fall  'How is it this is the secohuh-,' I watch in utter amusement as Lizzie slaps a hand over her mouth as she rushes around the closest tree emptying her stomach 'Aha. Karma!' I shout dusting myself off 'Where are-.' My breath hitched in my throat as I look around the forest wearily eyeing the extremely familiar waterfall and small cliff 'We're in Maine, just a quick stop before we head to Canada, a friend of mine is in need of personal items I have.' Narcissa informs us helping me collect the strewn about things I dropped while landing Lizzie gasps looking at the waterfall gaining the attention of both myself and Narcissa 'Hazel look! It's the waterfall I know where we are!' A look passes over her flushed face as she shifts from leg to leg I shook my head giving her the same look I picked up from Molly when she's about to curse out the twins 'Lizzie I'm telling you do-,' she bolts before I could finish my sentence 'No! Please Lizzie come back here!' Throwing my hands up in frustration I beat feet after her kicking snow out of my way as I almost slip down the snowy slope of the rocky hillside 'Lizzie! Lizzie STOP!' She slips on snow and ice running up the covered path grappling onto the smaller trees for support she scurries up the hill before I or Neville could grab her 'Lizzie!' Neville hollers somewhere close behind us, yanking my wand out I point it at her back shouting my own freezing charm before she stiffens like a board falling face first into the snow as Neville passed by me at a slowing jog landing on his knees shoving his hands into the snow and under her side he rolls her onto her back.

'You can't run off on us like this Elizabeth! You just bloody can't!' My voice rose against my will in slight desperation and anger watching as her eyes watered against the cold winds and humiliation as I scold her 'She's not here! He isn't here They are not here yes it bloody fuckin hurts but we can't get them back. We can't and I'm sorry.' Removing the freezing charm she pulls herself up dusting off her clothes shivering 'I'm sorry okay? I just.' Her voice cracks as she dried her cheeks 'I was closer to mom than you ever were and if I could just see her for a moment I'll be okay.' Tipping my head back I drag my hand across my mouth ready to scream, shooting her a pointed look I drop my hands to my side. 'I know what you're about to say, so don't. Let's just wait for your man and his mother.' She snips dusting wet snow from her hair 'Eliza, are you alright?' Malfoy calls from the wood line stepping onto the snowy trail with his mother right behind him 'I'm fine, I just got excited, we grew up around here.' Except it wasn't around where we grew up at all. This was where we grew up, where she grew up. The bloody town should burn.

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