English Sassanech

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'Luna I really don't want to speak about Malfoy of all people right now.' Rounding the large corridor leading us outside I take a breath of fresh air in through my nose tilting my head back, savoring the light warmth coasting across my face in between the settled winds as we start heading down the rocky pathway following closely behind my brothers and the small group we seemed to have collected

In the distance, I found Hermione studying as a few Quidditch members already on their brooms flew around a few female students sitting in a cluster farther away from my sister to show off no doubt I nudge Ginny with my elbow and point at the pair in green with my broom 'Pretty sure I see a few green set of robes above my sister.' Mounting my broom I kicked off and begin coasting around the ground for a bit and deliberately flew past Nott, and began curling around Mione hearing her scream about her papers fluttering about,  'Did anyone see what happened with Mione, or was that just her?' Looking down from my broom I felt my grin widen at the sight of an amused Snape watching us as a miffed Hermione gathers her fly-away papers 'Odin's beard would you look at that!' Flipping my broom so I'm upside down I wave at a few of the first years who waved back just as enthusiastically 'Pay attention Harry, this position is called the Sloth, I've done it many, many times while drunk and it's a lifesaver.' Harry lets out a strangled snort as he kicks off 'You got to be kidding me, Hazel! We're on school grounds.' I flip back up into an upright position catching his cheeky grin 'Oh pitter patter we broke more rules combined than your dad and our uncles, but you know what they say.' Glancing at Harry he rose a brow  'Well Hazel? what do they say?' He asks rubbing the bridge of his nose 'I don't know, why do you think I was asking.' I grin as he shakes his head with a sigh 'I really don't know what to say to you sometimes Hazel.'

'Welcome to the club bud.' I grinned widely before I sped off circling around Snape's class I float above him watching two first years try pruning a venomous plant as he shows a few students how to correctly prune a nonvenomous plant 'Snape.' His spine stiffens but he ignores me 'Snape!' he ignores me once more until I nonverbally cast a floating charm on the two student's that weren't paying attention and drop them in front of him 'Miss. Granger!' he barks in annoyance 'I'm teaching a class if you weren't aware do keep my students firmly on the ground and buzz off.' his words didn't hold much malice as I tip my broom coming face to face with him as I hung upside down 'I, soon to be dear brother, just stopped two of your first years from touching the Varlus you warned your lot to stay away from, though venomous if brewed in the right quantities can cause mild to severe hallucinogenic fits of rage if it spits on you, correct?.' Snape blinks as he pulls his face back and glances at the two first years trying to appear casual 'It can also be added in butterbeer for a decent bodily high if ground into a powder after drying out for three weeks, which our Hogsmead trip lines up with.' I pointed out with a sly grin 'I'll remind your sister to check your pockets before any trips to the Village, thank you for bringing this to my attention, now get out of my face and let me finish my lesson, you two, twenty points from Ravenclaw, and you.' he points a finger in my face 'Five points to Griffindor for being such an insufferable know it all.' I shrug my shoulders and flip the broom right side up 'I suppose I deserve that.' he snorts as I fly off and dismount my broom, taking a seat in between Damon and Stephen with a sigh 'You're betrothed awarded me five points for getting two first-year Ravenclaws into trouble dear sister.' Hermione groans shutting her potions textbook 'I saw, did you really need to get in his face?' I shrugged falling back against the grassy plains 'They were trying to swipe some Varlus.' I say with a yawn 'I'm sure they have some stuffed in their pocket as we speak since he didn't notice until I said something, besides, I wasn't in his face, I put about a foot of space between us.' I pointed out playing with a blade of grass 'I'm sure he's not as pissed off since I technically stopped two students from a murderous rampage.' Stephen leans back with me, using his arm as a pillow he looks between Mione and I 'I didn't know you had a sister Hazel.' I lift my head meeting his gaze 'I have a few, Hermione's parents adopted me when I was four, before that I was being raised by my biological sister and her husband before they vanished, the next-door neighbor decided she wanted to take a gander at raising me until I had magical outbursts.' I shudder rubbing the scar on my arm Damon had seen the scar a few times but never asked about it.

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