The Camps Under Attack

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The attack was sudden. The first explosions came from all sides and the enemy army appeared without a warning. My troops had been placed around Camp Jupiter New Rome and I could see them fighting ferociously. I stayed back near the lake and New Rome while Nasima left with the first and second cohorts to protect the entries crossing the Little Tiber by two bridges.

The fight was raging around me and I was trying to give courage to my troops. Aurum and Argentum were tearing monsters to shreds. Golden dust was piling at my feet. Unfortunately, most of the enemy troops were composed of mortals. Our weapons were useless to take them out, we had to use our imagination.

Some campers around me were using their godly parent's powers. I could see a son of Bacchus choking an enemy using vines, a daughter of Aeolus taking the air out of her adversary out of their lungs and a son of Discordia making our enemies turning against each other. As for me, I was striking right and left, trying to knock out anyone at arms' reach.

I heard someone creeping up behind me. I caught his arm and flipped him over my head before hitting his skull with my heal, just to make sure that he wouldn't get up for a few hours.

It seemed that we would overcome our enemies. It was at this moment that I started to grow doubtful. How come the enemy troops were so scarce? Yes, we were facing a considerable power, but I could keep myself from comparing the army to the ones we had previously fought in the last war. The number of monsters that we had faced couldn't compare. Also, the majority of enemies were mortals and I highly doubt that they could see through the Mist.

I could not push further my reflection because a chimera was now facing me. Its body, half-lion, half-goat and with a serpent's tail danced before my eyes. I dodged the first attack and fell over, groaning. As the creature's fangs approached my throat, I managed to take out my dagger and pierce its mouth. The monster disappeared in a cloud of golden dust.

I got back on my feet painfully. My ankle was hurting but I didn't have the time to tend to it. I was side by side with Dakota, who had put his armour for the sake of the good old times. Since he overcame his Kool-Aid addiction, he was impressing in battles. We greeted each other with a brief smile, too busy parring attacks right and left. I saw him liftin an enemy with only one hand and throwing him several feet farther.

"Good job," I said, half impressed, half-submerged by the enemy forces.

Suddenly, I heard hooves behind me.

"Reyna, Reyna, over here! Something's fishy."

I turned around and faces Don the faun. He managed to cross the enemy lines to get to me. His ability to steal must have been helpful to him in this situation.

"Don, what are you doing here? It's far too dangerous!" I said, pushing an adversary who almost knocked him on the ground. Don seemed terrified and was chewing on an old metal piece.

"Baaaahahahaha, I know, but I found something in the city and I think that you should see it."

I reluctantly accepted to follow him, gesturing to Dakota to take over my job of commanding. As a ormer centurion, he could manage.

I ran after Don who was skipping at a good speed. We left soon enough the battle behind us to get into the city. Everything looked peaceful, we succeeded to keep the enemies at a safe distance.

"Don, what is so important? The battle is far from here and they need me!"

"It was a diversion." I felt my heart drop. It was what I feared. "I found the entrance, or rather the exit of a tunnel. They went underground."

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