Mexico (UPDATED)

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Hi guys!
Sorry, it took a long time for us to update... We'll say one word : school. Anyway, thanks to our new followers and readers. Thank you for your comments and your votes. It means a lot to us.
Okay, enjoy! :D


We had arrived in Puerto Vallarta. It was a beautiful city on the edge of the sea, the houses were adorable and the beach, stunning. The water was light blue, and I had the impression of being in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Everything was going just well and we could finally walk on solid, immobile earth for the whole day. At last!

On the second day, we had decided to split, because we had a lot of shopping to do. Leo had material to find for some reparations, Percy and Annabeth were in charge of the food, Jason and Piper bought maps (even though I think it was a pretext to spend more time in the beautiful streets) and Rachel needed to find some kind of material, she refused to say more.

Anyway, Frank and myself were stuck in the submarine for two hours. Calypso was sleeping in her room. Everything was quiet, the sun was reflecting on the water and tourists bathed in the see. Since nothing dramatic happened since our departure, I decided to go walk on the beach with Frank. We really needed to stretch our legs.

It wasn't the best idea ever.


I hid in an alley, glued to Enodia. I was cold, I was hungry, but above all, I couldn't move since the police were after me.

I had overheard a conversation in a convenience store. Two people were talking about a young girl who ran away and that her family was looking for her. I was sure they were talking about me.

I absolutely needed to find a way to escape.

I put the hood of my jacket.

"Enodia, listen, we need to flee without drawing attention. If I run, you run, understood?"

She seemed to understand, she was very intelligent. So I stood up, threw my bag on one shoulder and started to walk, head bent down. I headed towards the exit of the city, where there was a forest, where I could hide more easily.

Suddenly, I heard a siren. I hid behind a wall. In a glass across the street, I saw my reflection. With my black hair in my face, I really looked like the little girl in The Circle. When I no longer heard the siren, I continued to walk.

"Where do you think you are going, young lady?"

I turned around quickly. A cop. I froze.

"Your parents are looking for you, you should go back home. Come with me, you'll be safe."

I don't know what happened, but I moved slowly closer to the police officer. I had given up. My dog moaned, her tail between her legs.

"Good girl, get into the car without making stories."

I was now close enough for him to put his hand on my shoulder. On his forearm, I noticed a snake tattoo. Weird... Enodia began to growl. The officer took me to his car and opened the door.

It was at this moment that I saw his eyes.

Red eyes.

It really wasn't normal and I started to back up.

"What's wrong? Why don't you want to get in?"

He took my arm and I tried to get him to let go. Then, the officer transformed before my eyes. He took the form of a humanoid bull. A Minotaur. I knew those from my History classes. They were very dangerous.

For a split second, we stared at each other without moving. Enodia was barking, but it was like if I couldn't hear her. I scanned my surroundings, looking for an escape or a weapon. I remarked a metal bar in a trash can. Who throws away metal bars like that, I don't know, but it was my lucky day.

I sprinted for the bar. The Minotaur charged after me. I turned around, and in my motion, I hit the monster in the ribs. Frustrated, the Minotaur stepped back. I think I saw steam coming out of his nostrils.

The Minotaur charged. I had my back to a wall. At the last second, I dove under his legs, cutting my knees in the process. The Minotaur slammed head-first in the wall. The creature shook his head, barely hurt. It multiplied its attacks, but I used the metal bar as a kind of sword. When he tried to reach out for me, I hit his hand as hard as I can.

But it was way stronger and way taller than me. My muscles started to hurt. I still felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I looked for Enodia, but she had disappeared. I felt tears coming to my eyes, blurring my vision. Suddenly, an eagle landed on the Minotaur's head. The eagle tried to claw out the Minotaur's eyes, but without success. The beast got hold on the metal bar and rose me from the ground.

I refused to let go of the bar. I was now six feet in the air, my feet dangling, bleeding and sweaty. The Minotaur slammed the bar (and me holding on tight) on the wall. I didn't let go, but my vision became blurry. When the Minotaur hit me on the wall a second time I lost instantly consciousness. I didn't see the epic battle between the Minotaur and the mysterious eagle afterwards, but I didn't need to witness it to know that the eagle had been defeated. I knew it before everything became black.

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