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Dearest readers,

We are so sorry for not posting for the past two days! It's not because we don't like you, don't worry! We will try to post something at least every day. 

We called each other yesterday to plan the last chapters of this fanfic. Yes, it is almost the end! 

Thank you for your patience, your support, and your comments! 

- E&C



The taxi was going so fast, I barely had the time to see the city passing by. As soon as we arrived, we climbed Half-Blood Hill running, crossing the magical barrier protected by Thalia's tree and the Golden Fleece. At that moment, Percy and Annabeth headed towards Zeus's fist, a former entrance to the Labyrinth. It was now a passageway between the two camps. I knew that they were trying to get the fastest to their children. As for me, I had to find Piper. I still felt so guilty for leaving her alone on the boat. We were on the other side of the world, then... I couldn't believe that we were back at camp. Our home, for so many years.

I tried to concentrate on my goal: ADHA did that sometimes. I had to find out where the fight was happening. Surely Piper was on the first line, fighting. I followed to echoes of the battle which were ringing in my ears. An explosion in the strawberry field made me go this way. It was at that moment that I saw the different cabins trying to fight off the enemy troops.

I could see the Ares cabin on the first line with their shining shields and the Hephaestus cabin with their freshly made machines pushing back their adversaries. I could hear Laurel Victor, daughter of Nike, shouting insults. Since she had lost her sister, five years prior, she was particularly fierce and dangerous in battle.

I noticed that, in spite of the number of enemies, they were advancing abnormally slow. Almost as if they didn't want to invade the camp. I brushed away the thought: surely this attack could not be a mere diversion. Anyway, what was the mean of a diversion? I stopped Austin Lake and Kayla Knowles, son and daughter of Apollo and two campers I recognized in the midst of the young faces.

"Have you seen--"

"Yeah, she's right over there, follow the food scraps." They disappeared inside the infirmary, probably to help some other campers. Hearing Austin's words, I understood that Piper had taken back her Cornucopia and that she was probably overwhelming the enemy with fresh fruit. This idea made me smile.

I ran towards the raging battle and found Piper, more beautiful than ever, her hair flowing behind her as she screamed directions to the fighters in front of her. I placed myself by her side and tried to push back the enemy troops the best I could. Throwing a few lightning bolts, I noticed that our adversaries looked more and more reluctant to approach. I, therefore, proceeded to keep them at a distance, letting my lightning bolts fall in strategic places and trying not to drain myself from all my energy.

I was back to back with Piper now, ready to do anything to defend us. Suddenly, the enemies stopped and the sound of combats abruptly stopped. The enemies stopped the attack, turned around and left as fast as they had come. Piper turned to face me, incomprehension in her eyes. The campers were frozen by surprise, asking themselves what had happened.

I tried to understand the situation and my gaze crossed Piper's. We understood that we were reunited at last and I kissed her tenderly, pressing her against me. We broke away and I noticed that some campers were looking at us strangely.

"What was that?" asked a young 14-year-old camper, sporting a deep cut on his forehead.

"um, it was a kiss, actually--"

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