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Hello dear readers! 

Just a quick message to tell you that from now on every chapter will only have two POVs. We got you used to 3, but we have so many ideas (oh my gods I know) that we tend to write longer chapters. No, really, the thing is that we spend too much time on Wikipedia and we find so many interesting information that we want to write them all so the chapters get longer... 

So yeah, enjoy this fresh new chapter! 




A soft light was coming into the room through the living room's curtains. I could see fine grains of dust dancing in the morning light. I rose quietly, trying no to was Delilah, Killian and James up. Enodia got up at the same time as me and followed me. She seemed to be ensuring my safety at any moment of the day or the night.

I saw Killian opening gradually his eyes. He rose to a sitting position, hugging his knees, still half-buried in his sleeping bag.

"Hey, Adelaide, good morning," he said.

I answered only with a feeble smile. I could see that I was making him uneasy. Killian was looking for himself since the attack on the Penelope and since Lewis's death. He was so young, but I had the impression that he had lived far more than I could imagine.

Then, as if he could read my mind: "Lewis was like an older brother for me. But I know that he wasn't ready to live in the same world as us. He was ready to flee, that day." He lifted his gaze to me and half-smiled.

I wondered if he could really read my mind. The was he had modified our hostesses' memories had impressed me, even if I didn't want to admit it. I didn't answer him, so he continued.

"You are very talented, Adelaide. We wouldn't be here without you. And I know that we don't have a clue as of where we are going, but a demigod's life is dangerous. I'd like to know that I'm fighting alongside a friend."

He let the silence grow in the room until I understood what he was asking of me. I looked at him, his big brown eyes towards me and his hir, of the same colour in a mess. He still had a childish face, one could easily give him two or three years less than he really was. Then, I turned to Delilah, who was still sleeping peacefully, her blond hair hiding half of her face.

"She's doing the best she can, you know. I think that you should give her a chance, too."

I was starting to seriously suspect that he was reading my thoughts. I did not hate Delilah, only... she was at the same time everything I wanted to and everything I always hated in people. Tall, blonde, confident. The perfect popular girl. A part of my brain reminded me that she probably had to live with the same problems I had to face: dyslexia, ADHD... Were always put in the trouble kids box at school.

I noticed that Killian was still staring at me, waiting for an answer. I sighed. "Very well. Let's be friends. From now on we have each other's back, alright?" He looked satisfied.

"Okay, I have something to tell you, in that case. Something strange happened to me on the boat, but with all the events, I didn't have the occasion to tell anyone about it. I have a feeling that it's important.

"Well, tell me."

"I had a dream. Or rather, I had a vision, it wasn't that clear. It was my father, Hypnos." I think that Killian never mentioned his father before. But everything made more sense now since he could hypnotize people and change their memories. "He told me about the person affecting the gods. A woman, I think. According to my father, she managed to capture all the gods and she plans on destroying them, but she plans to disappear with them."

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