Chapter 20: Esdeath Learns to Share, When an Oni, a Doll, and a Cat Work for You

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Just gonna be "breaking the ice" with this chapter, something to "chill" the mood, make sure everything is "cool"
"" speaking
'' thinking
(A/N) author's notes
** change in setting/pov
[] reading
Blah blah blah spell casting
*1st pov*

Judgmental eyes and angry glares. Those were the only things I could see right now, but luckily they weren't pointed at me. They were pointed at the woman who just a few days ago claimed me to be her husband, though with the way she's taking it, it's more like she's making me her wife. Since the tournament I was given a collar and a short leash as Esdeath dragged me around everywhere. The others would be alright with this since this would be just another addition to the harem, but then when it was nighttime and everyone tried to join me for bed, Esdeath kicked them all out and covered the door and doorway in ice keeping them out. Apparently, while Esdeath knew I had a harem, she wanted to keep me for herself, almost to a genocidal degree. For instance, when I had gotten out of my collar once, she threaten to kill the first girl she got her hands on, that first girl being Asia, the girl who wouldn't raise her hand to anyone else. So I ended up getting back in the collar to protect the other girls, sure Esdeath was beautiful and sweet towards me, but otherwise she was a psycho bitch! I tried talking to her but she kept knocking back the conversation with excuses and it seems the girls were about to take things into their own hands.

Aqua: Esdeath, we are all tired of you hogging (Y/N) to yourself!

Mio: Yeah it's not fair, we were all here long before you were!

Esdeath: Really, and none of you tried to dominate him?

Everyone: WHAT!?!?

Chisato: (Y/N), what is she talking about?

(Y): I don't want to talk about it, just know that I was able to stop her.

Esdeath: But you promised me one night, and I get to choose that night.

Asia: Esdeath, I'm sure just like you, (Y/N) makes you happy and you like him like we do, but we had agreed to share him.

Esdeath: Funny, I made no such agreement, I merely took him for myself. It's actually funny, there are like 20 of you and you've been with him for like a month or two and you haven't tried anything, yet I've been here for a few days and I nearly did it with him 5 times.

(Y): I don't know how much longer I can keep her back.

Maria: Esdeath, if you're going to be living here, and be with (Y/N), then you need to follow all the harem rules that we follow.

Esdeath: I actually took a look at your rules and I'm particularly fond of the consenting rule, meaning as long as I don't give consent, none of you can interfere with (Y/N) and I.

Everyone: WHAT!?!?

Cerea: Esdeath, (Y/N) is not comfortable like this, he is the kind of man to take charge and not be dominated by someone else-

Esdeath: And that's what makes it so fun to dom him, have you seen him submissive, it's adorable. I actually ended up passing out from how adorable he was.

Kazuma: Look Esdeath, I may not be a part of this whole harem thing, but you gotta admit, (Y/N) needs his personal space and the fact that you are hogging him is kinda upsetting everyone.

Esdeath: And what would a limp dick, spineless, single, beta male like you know about people being in love?

Kazuma: First off ouch, second I at least know that (Y/N) is unhappy like this.

Miia: I've seen if myself that (Y/N) doesn't enjoy it when someone forces him to do things he doesn't like. When he came to my tribe, before I saved him he was like a broken man.

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