Chapter 29: The Demon King has A Family?!, When Milfs Get Violent

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"" speaking
'' thinking
(A/N) author's notes
** change in setting/pov
[] reading
Blah blah blah spell casting


*field near the Mansion*

????: *stern* Are you (Y/N)? The one who vanquished Vanir and Beldia?

(Y): *confused* Huh?

????2: *smiles* We've been looking for you.

HOLD IT!!!! Time for a short recap everyone. A few days ago I helped my friend Kazuma land a girlfriend with a succubus and met with an actual useful Goddess outside of Chisato and maybe Eris since she did give me these powers, I got the Blade of Artemis, and now I'm out in the field just looking out at the beauty of nature. But it seems I have a few visitors. I didn't turn to face them, but I kept myself at the ready incase they were going to attack. Their voices were soft and delicate, but I wasn't going to let that fool me.

(Y): *stern* So you've heard of me......I assume good things if you heard I took out Vanir and Beldia.

????2: *stern* On the contrary, we have only heard of you in a negative light. Causing trouble and chaos for most of our kind.

(Y): *stern* Then I guess you two aren't human then.

????: *stern* You would be correct. You see, we are both demons ourselves. Devils to be specific. We've heard about your heroic ventures to attack The Demon King. Taking out his generals and hoping to rid the world of him.

(Y): *stern* I see. Well when you are in my position, a man given power by the gods and chosen by said gods to take out the Demon King, what would you expect me to do?

????2: *smirks* We are not upset that you are following this path, just know that we ourselves have chosen a path of our own, after seeing what you have done.

(Y): *stern* No, I wouldn't expect any different. *leans forwards slightly* However, *breaks into a forward roll, pulls out Claws of Hades* I hope you don't expect me to just let you do what you plan to do.

After rolling away and arming myself, I finally got to see the two who had approached me from behind, and honestly, I wasn't sure what I expected from the voices.

After rolling away and arming myself, I finally got to see the two who had approached me from behind, and honestly, I wasn't sure what I expected from the voices

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(minus the horns and staff, yes that is her outfit, wings hidden)

????: *confused* What?

????: *confused* What?

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