Chapter 27 - Ever since you moved into town.

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Without warning he painfully attacked my lips with his.

Bile started to rise up again and I did what I had to too make him stop.

I bit his lip. Hard.

He raised himself off me quite a bit and cried out in pain.

As I spit out blood I sprang up to get out of bed and flee but he was too fast for me and successfully pinned me to the bed once again.

He slapped me twice in the face which left me seeing double and my blood spilt as well.

“Don’t, LC! Stop fighting me.” He pleaded sadly with surprisingly no anger at all.

While my vision clears all that runs through my mind is that he hits me even when he’s not angry. He hits me when he’s just trying to get my attention. How none of us saw this coming is beyond me.

“Why, LC? Why did you do it?  I love you and you do this to me. I treat you good and give you my heart and you betray me! You let that prick mark you!” he cried, his tears falling on my face as he holds it tightly in his hands.

“I didn’t want your heart Ryder! I told you that and yet you still try to take me. How is that treating me right? How is slapping me treating me right? I don’t want you!” I said and spit the blood that was dripping into my mouth from my cut into his face.

He didn’t flinch or try to wipe it away. Just laid there watching me.

“You don’t mean that.” He whispered.

“I do.” I said softly.

He shook his head and repeated himself.

“I do mean it, Ryder. I don’t want you. I have Chase.” I said surprisingly calm even though my heart is heavy.

Oh, Ryder. What happened to you?

“NO! Don’t say that. You love me. You told me yourself!” He cried pushing his forehead against mine.

“Because you forced me to!” I yelled; tears of frustration streaming down my face.

“No! You meant it! I could tell, LC. I could tell. Don’t lie to me!” He yelled and forced his lips on mine again.

Tears streamed down my face, my heart breaking for this lost cause pinning me to a bed so oblivious to all the pain that he has caused.

“Come back to me.” He repeated over and over against my lips.

We were a sight to see.

Him holding me down on the bed, crying hysterically and trying to kiss me into some kind of submission slash remembrance while I struggle with all my might, arms and legs flailing to push him away from me, also crying hysterically.

When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Under Construction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum