True or False Mermaid [Arc 9.3]

Start from the beginning

By the time the pirate leader finished all this, he himself only had one last breath remaining. He held Abby’s hand and told him that he had to live well later and be happy. Abby cried and promised that he would be the happiest man in the world, and then the pirate leader closed his eyes with peace of mind.

For pure blooded mermaids, the ocean represented endless power. Even though Leann was injured and poisoned and didn’t even have his bead, when he was thrown into the sea, it meant that he still had hope of survival.

Abby was taken back to the palace by Cory as a pure blooded mermaid. When Cory saw Abby for the first time, he was attracted by his beauty, and also felt that he had a faint sense of familiarity. Then he determined even more strongly that the two of them were destined to be together, and he was very fond of him.

Abby entered the palace with Leann’s bead and was soon asked to summon rain. He knew that he could not dodge this request, and if he refused, it would probably raise suspicions. Then the king might contact the king of the mermaid kingdom, which would expose him, so he pretended to not hesitate in agreeing to call the rain.

No one on land had ever seen a pure blooded mermaid call the rain, so no one thought it was strange when Abby held the bead covered in blood in his hands and seemed to be praying with great concentration.

At first everyone waited for a long time but the sky did not show any sign of change, and the original mood full of expectation slowly began to shift into boredom. Abby was also sweating. He thought of his father and the pirates who had died for him, and if he failed now, they would have all died in vain. His strong sense of despair and desire to be happy made him concentrate his thoughts, and he actually really activated the magic in the bead and summoned the rain.

After determining that Abby could summon the rain, the king soon married the two, and Abby officially became the princess. The king urged them to have a baby, but Abby was an artificial mermaid and thus had no ability to have children. So he began to build his own strength in the country, wanting to wait until the time was right and then he would pretend to be pregnant, then bring a child back from far away and pretend that he had given birth to him.

And Leann, who had sunk into the sea, certainly would not die so easily. He absorbed the energy from the sea and slumbered in the sea for a long time. It was only after his wound had slowly healed that he woke up.

Even though he had already woken up, he actually didn’t know how to return to the mermaid kingdom, so he could only swim ashore on his own and think of ways to complete his mission of marriage. After a lot of difficulty, he finally reached the Kingdom of Luasi, but when he heard that the prince had already married a pure blooded mermaid of the mermaid kingdom, he was very shocked and didn’t know what had happened.

When he tried to enter the palace and explain everything to the king and prince, he was beaten up as a madman by the gatekeepers of the palace and thrown out.

Leann was very confused and desperate. He didn’t know what to do—he couldn’t go back to the mermaid kingdom, he couldn’t go to the palace, and he didn’t even have his bead, so he couldn’t summon the rain to prove that he was the pure blooded mermaid.

Leann had nowhere to go, so he had been living in a cave in the outskirts. He thought that he might as well just go back to the sea, where he could live very well even by himself. But he was unwilling. He wanted to see who was impersonating him, wanted to know whether his bead was taken by that person, and more so wanted to get his bead back.

One day Cory took Abby to the countryside. Leann saw that there was a lot of people and wanted to hide, but a pure blooded mermaid’s eyesight and hearing were very good. When he heard those people calling Prince Cory’s name, he hesitated but still rushed over, wanting to explain everything to Cory.

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