It's Time

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Your POV:

That was crazy...absolutely crazy.

I was running.

I didn't know where I was but surely there will be a bus stop somewhere.

Come on, drugs? Alcohol? What was that?

And why did those people know who I was?

Why didn't I remember them?

and why did that one girl have my mom's earrings?

I mean...what was all that about???

I stop to catch my breath when I see the bus stop in walking distance away.

Then the unspeakable happens.

It starts raining.

I would continue to run, but it would be useless.

I'd still have to wait for the bus by that sign over there.

After what felt like waiting an eternity, I could see the lights of a bus.

It was dark outside and really cold because of the rain and wind.

My clothes were drenched and I was freezing.

The bus stopped and I boarded. 

"Where to?"

I didn't have any money on me so I looked at them guilty.

"Its fine. No one should be out in the rain anyway." The driver stated.

Happily, I found a seat in the back.

There were very few people here.

I had told the driver my address and it would be one of the last stops.

I looked out the window and saw the distorted bright lights from other vehicles and buildings/stores.

My eyes followed the raindrops flowing down the window.

After watching a few raindrop races, I got bored.

I didn't even have a phone with me.

I don't understand the thing about Jessi and Jay.. wiping my phone.

Was that even true?

I don't think I can trust them.

Because it would totally suck if everything was wiped off my phone. All my personal pictures, all my games, all my contacts.

I really hoped it wasn't true.

"Last stop." I got off the bus as soon as I saw familiar territory. 

"Thank you so much for this." I say before the bus drives away.

"No problem."


I arrive home and knock on the door.

My mom should be furious upon looking at her rain soaked and probably sick, daughter.

She looks at me slightly angered and turns away leaving the door opened.

She should be furious that rain is going to get inside the house by leaving the door opened like that.

I walked inside and shut the door, locking it.

Puddles of water forming where I was standing.

She couldn't even look at me.

She walked away back to the dinner table where the family was dining without me....

....Once again....

Jay was right.

Things really have changed.

But I just don't understand what I did.

I see my backpack tossed on the floor next to the stairs. 

I grab it and head up to my room.

The notebook probably has something to do with what's happening to me right now.

I guess it's time to find out.

Switched Bodies with My Bias???Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora