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Felix POV:

"Y/N, would you care to explain yourself?" The principal looked at me.

"Sure." I laid back and put my feet on her desk.

"Excuse me, mam. We do NOT do that in my office."

"Well I do." I replied.

But when she stood up with a face that looked like she was going to strangle me, I put my feet back down.

"Sorry. So I was saying. So this girl was being mean and stuff so I used my awesomeness to take her down."

"Y/N. That's not descriptive enough." The principal looked so lost.

"No Mrs. XXX, let me explain." The other girl said.

"Sofia, be quiet." The principal held a hand to her.

"You know what, Y/N, I don't know what happened to you. You used to be the nice, quiet,  innocent girl who always got straight A's. What happened?"

"I guess you can say, I'm a different person now." I leaned back in the chair.


"Y/N are you okay???? Well not that I care..but like seriously are you okay?" Sofia looked at the ground.

"Yes, I'm fine." I got up off the floor and picked up the chair back to its original position.

"Did you just fall off your chair?" The principal's eye twitched.

"Yes. Yes I did."


"So how did it go?" Nanmiki asked me.

"Eh. She gave me detention but thats all it you know?"

"You're talking differently." Cake noticed.

"I know. I guess some part of me just changed..... for the better." I walked ahead of them.

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked turning around to face them.

"To you're house.." Nanmiki said.

"Oh right."    "Wait why?" I asked.

"Because.. didn't we agree on this during lunch?" Nanmiki said.

"Oh yeah. Sorry eventful day." I said moving back in line with them.

"You are taking me home right? The right way?" I asked.

"Yesss." Nanmiki looked at me weirdly.

When we got home, I rang the doorbell.

"Don't you have keys, Y'N?" Cake asked me.

"Yeah, but I just... forgot them." I quickly made up a lie.

The door was opened by that little boy whom I see all the time around the house.

"Hey Kevin!!" Nanmiki ruffled his hair.

"Hey Kev." Cake came inside as well.

"To my room!!" I pointed in the air.

"Y/N, dad is making brownies because I need them for school. So don't eat all of them this time." Kevin told me.

"This time??" I looked at him weirdly.

"Yeah. Remember last year you were on your period and it was like 12:00 in the morning and you screamed 'I'm on my period so I can have whatever I want' and you ate all my cupcakes."

"I'm sorry WHAT." I was disguested yet shocked.

Both Cake and Nanmiki were laughing at me so much and I actually felt embarrassed, even though I wasn't even the one who did that.

"Y/N!!! You said that!!" Nanmiki couldn't stop laughing.

"I mean I guess I did. If Kelon said it, it must be true." I shrugged.

"It's Kevin."

"Yeah well I just learned your name like two minutes ago, so I'm allowed to get it wrong the first time."

"Y/N, I'm your brother.." He looked at me weirdly.

"Okay see you Kebin." 

"Still Kevin.." He crossed his arms.

Cake, Nanmiki, and I went upstairs to my room.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Let's play videogames!!!" Nanmiki cheered.

"No let's watch a movie and play card games." Cake whined.

"How about... we do all of those at once." I clapped my hands together.

Hells yeah.

This is what free time and relaxing is for.

I only wish I could enjoy it with my actual friends...

.....Stray Kids.....

Switched Bodies with My Bias???Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant