Something Here...

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POV: ???

My groggy eyes opened and I was awoken by the sudden urge to pee.

I instantly sat up and ran to the bathroom.

I let it all out and washed my hands.

Hmmm I hummed as I looked myself in the mirror.

I continued to walk back to my bed when I saw my kpop posters hung on my wall.

I smiled.

And then I saw my Stray Kids one and frowned.

Wait why?

I tilted my head.

"Ohhhh wait." I remembered.

"What a strange dream I had about mind is crazy." I laughed it off.

It's crazy how dreams can make you feel guilty about someone, like when I had the dream that Nanmiki murdered Cake.

I was very eerie around her and told Cake, but Cake just laughed it off saying it was just a dream.

I guess that Stray Kids thing was just a dream too. 

Maybe this feeling will go away in the next couple of days.

I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey Dad!!" I smiled and waved.

"uhhhh...hi..." He looked at me for a split second and then looked dow at the ground as he continued making his morning coffee.


I went and sat next to my brother, eating cereal. He scooted away and then picked up his bowl to finish.

Double weird.

When I packed my backpack and got ready to leave I asked my mom to drive me to school today.

I was kind of feeling a little sick. A stomach ache probably.

"Really? Now you want to talk to me..." She looked and me and scoffed.

She picked up her keys and went outside to the car.

"But mom, I don't feel good." I don't understand why she was mad at me. Maybe I did something yesterday that I don't remember.

It's odd though, I don't remember a lot of things from yesterday.

It's like that Stray Kids dream took up most of my memories from recently.

Which is weird because it was only a dream, but it lasted a long time.

She drove off and I sadly clenched my bag.

Something here isn't right.

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