The Notebook

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Your POV:

I was completely consumed by the words on this notebook paper.

What does this mean, 'there's some things I need know'

What is it talking about?

Who even wrote this?

Confused, I knew the only way to find out was to continue reading.

This must be really important if it's gonna take 3 whole pages to tell me.

And so, I begin reading.

Y/N. I don't know if you exist, but if you ever read this, there's some things you need to know.

Yeah I exist. I scoff.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to say this, because I've never done it before.

Gee I wonder why.

I wrote in English because everyone here is talking in English so...I figured its the language you speak.


Here's the thing. I'm not Y/N, but I've been trapped in a dream of some sort where I'm a girl. I'm not a girl but here in this dream I am and I've never been so confused.

Wait a minute...that sounds familiar...

I'm actually Lee Felix from Stray Kids and I..

I shut the book.

People looked back a me from the noise but I just faced forward like a  stiff statue.

My wide eyes hung open, unable to move.





Class ended and I was about shimmy my way outta there when the teacher called my name.

"Y/N, a moment please.." 

I had no idea what this would be about but I followed along.

"Of course." You smiled. Trying my best not to think about the notebook.

"Please take a seat." He motioned to the small student desk in front of his huge teacher desk.

I did as instructed.

"So before class, the Principal contacted me about you."

I nodded.

"Do you know what it was about?"

"No." I said. It was true though, I haven't the slightest clue.

"It was about your attendance and your overall.. wellbeing."

"Oh?" I tilted my head. "Oh I know exactly what you're talking about now." 

I sighed relieved.

"It's because I didn't show up to my morning classes today. And that's so out of character for me because I've always had perfect attendance until..."

"No its not that." He said loudly. "Well, that too, but more."

"Ok...then..." I was even more confused now.

"You've been skipping classes for the past month and not that I should be judging you off of rumors, but there have been rumors that you've been taking drugs recently." 

I stand up shocked.

"Drugs? Me? Skipping classes? Are you even hearing yourself?!!!" I laugh comicly.

He stands up.

"Sir." I finish before he has a chance to yell at me.

"I'm an all honors student and I've only broken my perfect attendance this morning, today. I can assure you." I stated with confidence.

"I highly doubt that." The principal was standing in the doorway.

"No I can back it up!!! Call my parents. I'm sure that they will verify that I went to school everyday. Because normally my Mom drives me." I spoke.

"Thats the thing, Y/N. I've received dozens of calls from your parents as to your whereabouts." The principal said.

"No. That's not true."

"I'm afraid it is."

"No, you must have mixed me up with some other inadequate student." I step back from them slowly. 

"If you're not showing up to your classes, and you're not at home.....then where are you during the day?"

I hold my head.

This doesn't make any sense.

All of these feelings are rushing up in me.



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