Don't Worry

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Felix POV:

"Felix?" Woojin looked at us.


I sat angrily on the couch, holding very tightly, this ugly dorm pillow.

"Chan what were you thinking!!!!!" Woojin yelled.

"Shut up everyone's going to hear!!! You're going to wake up the whole dorm!!!" Chan screamed back.

"Good. They better know what's going on. You're jeopardizing everyone's careers!!!!" Woojin threw his hands in the air.

"YEAH? HOW?" Chan exclaimed.


"Huh? What's going on down here?" Jisung rubbed his eye while looking at us.

If this couldn't get anymore embarrassing.

"Nothing Jisung. Just go back to bed." Woojin's eye twitched.

"It's kind of hard when you guys are making all that loud noise." Hyunjin was behind Jisung.

"What's all this about someone falling in love with someone?" Jeongin came from behind them.

"Sure? Why Not??? Let's just invite everyone to this stupid meeting why don't we???" Woojin growled.

"Woojin, why are you so angry over this??" Chan said in a normal tone.

"You think this will be the first time they shut down a group over people liking each other?" Woojin looked at Chan.

Chan didn't know how to respond.

"Ever heard of the co-ed group called Scarlet Six?

"No." Chan said confused.

"Exactly. They shut that group down because two people started liking each other."

"So?" Chan said.

"That lead to dating. That jeopardized everyone's dreams to be in a kpop group just because two people couldn't keep their hands off each other." Woojin said.

"How do you know about this?"

"Because that was the group my friend was going to debut in." Woojin looked down. "And look at them now."

"Don't worry, nothing's going to happen with us." Chan said. He looked back at Felix.

Felix was focused on the other boys atop the stairs making funny faces at him.

"I don't even think he likes me anymore." Chan looked at the top of the stairs and saw Hyunjin making Felix laugh.

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