I Really Screwed This Up

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Felix POV:

"Y/N is that you???!!!" I hear shouting from downstairs.

The sounds vibrate in my head.

Ughhh SHUT UP.

"I-I need to get changed." I say to myself.

I can't look all dressed up after just waking up in the morning.

I look in my drawers.

I found a loose shirt and some shorts.

I take off the clothes I have on right now.

My back and shoulder hurts. 

I wince in pain.

Why am I in so much pain???

If this is what parties are like screw that.

I'm not going to anymore.

Wait Jay.

Oh Jay.


I feel my cheeks getting hot.

I run to the mirror.

I-I'm blushing.

Did I fall in l...

You know what? I'm not even going to say it..I'm disgusted in myself.

I really let myself go last night.

I let him touch me and did he rape me??

What if he raped me?

What if that's why I'm hurting.

I put a hand over my area.

Yeah it feels a little sore.

But my back...I turn around in the mirror.


I look to the side.


He knocked me over in the bathtub.

The memories are slowly resurfacing to my mind.

"Okay okay." I put on the shirt and shorts.

I head downstairs.

My stomach was grumbling..I'm starving..

I make my way to the kitchen and dining room... I smell pancakes!!!

I walk past a wall decorated with pictures.

I stop.

How did I not notice this before?

My eyes scanned all the picture frames and their lovely contents.

A happy family.

A really happy family.

I see his Y/N girl smiling all the time.

The way she hugs her brother.

The way she holds her mom's hand.

The way she smiles at her dad.

I feel disgusted in myself.

I completely ruined this girl's life.

They used to be so happy and now... they're scared of me.

The parents are scared of their little girl... the one who gave them all this happiness in the pictures.

Fuck I really screwed this up.

You really fucked this one up, Felix.

Switched Bodies with My Bias???Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt