This Could Be Fun

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The best part about me writing is that when I get started I can't stop.

Like seriously its an issue.

So get prepared for some incoming chapters.

However, I just need to hurry and decide how I'm going to label everything to make it nice and neat.

Should I make a separate book for the endings? I saw that once before... but I'm kind of steering away from I want it all in one book together...but that would be difficult....ughhh my curse is that I'm so indecisive...

Anyways onto the story:


Your POV:

"W-What do you mean you like me?"

Chan nodded in his head. I knew it.

"I mean..." I walk over to him and leave my glass on the counter. "I've always had feelings for you Chan... I mean look at you." I put my hand on his shoulder.


"The question is... do you have feelings for me?" I lower my hand to his chest and then turn around and leave.

The water glass!!! Eh it doesn't matter. I was never thirsty in the first place.

I'm walking up the steps.

Left him speechless.

But hydration!!

Ughh whatever Y/N just get to bed already.

I stand in front of the door.

Complete silence and darkness except for the night light in the hallway.

I wonder which baby suggested that that was put in here.

Probably Jeongin.. or Seungmin.

They are babies after all.

I slowly turn the nob and open the door, trying my best not to make a noise.

"Hey." I hear a voice.

"Hi, Hyunjin." I already know it's him. Why is he still up?

I close the door and make my way over to my bed.

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

"Goodnight, Hyunjin." I respond.

"You said you'd be quick."

"And what, are you waiting for something?" Weirdo.

"No." I hear him fall back into his covers.


I walk out of my bed.

I hear the squeaks of the floor boards.

I cringe and start to head over to Hyunjin.

His bed is facing the door so easy to remember.

I sit down.

"Felix?" He looks at me weird.

"What? You said you wanted to talk right?"

"Well no..but.."

I put my finger to his lips and lay down next to him.

"Make some room." I say as I pull the blankets over us.

"Felix.." Hyunjin tried to sit back up.

"Shhh. Just go to sleep." I pull him down gently.

"But we can't.."

"We can do whatever we want." I said as I share his pillow.

Landing a kiss atop his forehead, I turn facing the opposite direction.

I scoot further back to feel Hyunjin's body against mine.

I pull his arm and drape it over me as I get into my sleeping position of comfort.

I close my eyes and let my brain wonder into dream land.

This could be fun.

Real fun.

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