Lose Consciousness

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Felix POV

I was frantically pacing and looking around to see familiar landmarks when someone honked their car at me.

I held my hands close to me as I jumped and shrieked.

"Y/N, what are you doing here??" Some girl rolled down her window to ask me.

"Me?" I pointed at myself.

I'm not that used to talking to girls.

Honestly, being a kpop male idol, you have to have the appearance to be a womanizer but in reality I'm not.

"Yes you!! Get over here!!" Another one spoke.

"Okay..." I walked closer and then the first girl grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing here?...all alone." She asked looking me up and down.

"Um..just strolling around." I said plainly but kind of scared I was this close to a girl.

It instantly it me. "AND AND!!! I need a ride home. I was um...waiting here for my mom to pick me up." I lied.

I just needed to get back to this house that I call home in this dream.

It was just ridiculous that haven't woken up yet.

The two girls just looked at each other and then nodded. "We'll take you there." Said girl two.

When I entered the car, there was this thick smell of coconut which I later realized came from girl number two.

Once inside, I got a better look at them. One had blonde hair (girl number two) and the other had curled up brown hair. They both had long hair and were dressed like they went to the mall or something. It was similar outfits to the one I was wearing now, so that must be the style.

"So you guys are my friends I assume...so you must know my address right?" My head shot back between both of them waiting for an answer.

They both looked at each other as if conferring. But about what? Wasn't this an obvious answer?

Brown haired girl said yes.

The thing was the I was feeling uneasy about this. I don't remember walking this far to get to the park. We've been driving for about 10 minutes away from the park and I remembered that I walked for about 5 minutes to get there.

"Um are we almost there?" I asked. It was really late and I needed to get home. Plus I was sleepy.

My eyes were drooping and my head kept having to shoot up.

"Almost there." Brown girl said with some weird smile.

I just nodded sleepily and laid my head against the window to close my eyes.

"Wake me when we get there..." I said half asleep.

"Sure thing." Blonde girl, the one with the lighter voice, said.

I instantly fell asleep.

The next thing I remember was feeling pain rush through my knee.

"OW!!" I yelped as I woke up from the pain.

I looked up to see the two girls have me in their arms as they were taking me out of the car.

"Damn it Tina you hit her leg!" The brown haired one screamed at the other one.

"Hey!! What's the big idea??" I tried to get out of their grasp and pull out my Taekwondo moves on them.

But I couldn't.

"Hey!! Why can't I break free!!" This was ridiculous. Two girls somehow had the better of me and I couldn't escape?


I tried wriggling free but my arms were too weak.

"That's right. This female body." I said aloud.

It caused the girls to stop for a second but continue.

"Stop!!!" I screamed. I didn't know what else to do. Normally I could defend myself perfectly but in this dream I can't.

They were rocking me back and forth before throwing me in this huge dumpster.

It smelled so horrible.

It smelled like walking out of the bathroom after Minho used it.

I was instantly trying to claw myself out.

As I almost had a grip on the ledge, they closed the lid and it hit my head, causing me to lose my conscienceness.

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