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Felix POV

Do I even want to go to my class?


I don't even want to be in school.

At times like this I wish i was with Changbin.

He would know what to do.

As i was thinking of my last memory of Changbin, someone pulled my arm.

"Excuse me little girl, you should be in class right now. The bell just rang."

"Well actually I'm a new student here." I lied.

"No you're not I see you everyday, Y/N." This figure of authority said.

"Y/N..?" I pointed at myself. I've never heard of this name before.

"Yes Y/N, now go on to class. You don't want to be marked late in math class." The man left.

"Hmm math class." I went into a hallway labeled "math" and entered the first classroom i saw.

Everyone looked at me like a stranger.

There were no empty desks, so I left the room and went to the classroom next to it.

"Y/N, you're late." The teacher in the front of the class said without looking up from his papers.

I sighed in relief that this was the classroom.

My search was over.

I was the same weird girl that was talking to me earlier. She waved at me.

I sighed. There was no where else to go.

I sat at the seat next to her in hopes that this is where I normally sit.

"Why were you acting weird this morning?" The girl said.

"Um I'm just tired." I rubbed the back of my head.

"But you called me and Cake freaks." She looked really upset.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I lifted up my arm towards her. I didn't know what to do. I've never hugged a girl before.

"Y/N you were so mean to us!!!" She put her hands to her face and started sobbing.

"Oh crap." I looked around at the attention it was causing.

"How about you guys come over to my house tonight? We can watch stuff and do.. stuff.. anything you want!!" Just stop crying. Is what I really wanted to say. 

"Y/N YESSS!!! Let's tell Cake at lunch!!!"  She got all excited.

Everyone else's' judging faces turned away from us and I got more relaxed.

Now I actually have to take these people home with me. 

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