Classicaly Late

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Your POV: (point of view)

You were classically late for school.

You rushed to eat breakfast, do your hair, and brush your teeth.

"Y/N!!!" Your mother called.

"Yes??" You said with toast in your mouth.

"Forgetting something?" She held her arms and smiled at you like she knew something.

"Ummm...." You began to think.

"How about...your shoes?" She stated.

A look of realization was plastered across your face.

You ran up to your room and grabbed your pink converse. You always wore pastel colors.

You headed out the door and waited for the bus.

No longer than one minute passes by and the bus shows up.

"Late my ass." You grumbled.

You boarded the bus and witnessed lots of rowdy screaming, laughing, and someone listening to really loud music.

You rolled your eyes and sat down at your normal spot, two seats away from the back.

You put your headphones in and blasted some music.

Yes or Yes by Twice began to play.

Next: Cheer Up

You listened to your music and looked out the window.

It was going to be a normal day, you thought.

Boy were you wrong.

Little did you know, you would never be yourself for a while.

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