PREFERENCE: During Quarantine

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Hello hello hello!

I AM SO SO SO SORRY! I just don't have the energy or will to write very long oneshots,,, so if you guys have short oneshots or preference or MTLL (most to least likely) tell me! I'll happily do that!



- Pissed off

- Understands why but it's annoying

- Constantly burns his mask

- Less world domination more snuggle

- Probably would throw you over his shoulder and walk around with you if it wasn't creepy lookin

- Probably have binged every horror movie on Netflix

- You probably cried

- He probably panicked at you crying

- 80% you guys are on the couch chilling


- Calm

- Good boy

- You can't fuckin hear him

- Is very respectful and understanding about places being closed down

- Buys you food and drinks from places that were locked down once things lighten up

- You both binge cooking shows (great british baking show/bake off)

- You both develop a hobby of baking and like to surprise neighbors with bread and small cakes! (me)

- You're both the parents in this very chaotic quarantine house


- Nothing changes

- More Lief and Noi managing

- Make sure Asch doesn't set Ava's place on fire

- Pierce helps Rhys not get a headache

- Watches you be the most calm you've ever been

- wiat waht

- Yeah, surprisingly you're very quiet and soothed during quarantine

- Yes Lief may eternally piss you off

- but you're in your natural habitat

- You play video games all day long

- Animal Crossing/Pokemon/Doom/literally anything

- Though Rhys doesn't exactly understand why you like these games, he enjoys seeing you this at peace

- Sometimes he'll catch you when you're playing and ask you about the game

- He enjoys hearing your voice and the way your eyes light up

- It's the perfect way to rest after a long day


- hughughughuhughughughughughughug

- snugsnugsnugsnugsnugsnugsnugsnugsnugsnug

- Good boy

- Misses going outside but will still be attached to you 24/7

- Whenever someone comes to the door he always answers it to 'protect you'

- Ya'll like growing plants

- He has an entire garden in Ava's apartment

- Makes a business by growing and taking care of people's plants (no magic uwu)

- You help him and love and care for the plants more than you do for him

- sad boy nosies

- go to horny jail

- bink bonk

- Asch threatens to burn the plants

- You both cry

- Ava threatens to choke Asch with the plant

- More crying

- More plant


- angie

- he an angie boy

- when he angie boy you make him play smash

- or doom


- Constantly whining about wanting to go outside

- You telling him why you can't

- You getting convinced

- Rhys and Pierce explaining why you can't

- You and Lief both pout

- You and Lief eat an entire tub of ice cream and doritos in sorrow

- Binging live streams of gamers

- Ya'll become Twitch streamers

- hOt

- Not super popular but still noticeable

- neW JOB??????


- Nothing changed

- for you anyways

- Ava likes going outside while you stay inside and read whatever was recommended by Rhys

- She understands why but still doesn't enjoy it

- She binges crappy TV shows and eats chips and ice cream all day

- You intervene so she doesn't dIE

- She doesn't

- You eventually begin to read books on healthy eating and make meals for her

- At first she didn't like it because....

- gREEENS????

- EEeWeWeWEwwWWwWwwwwwwW!1!1!1!!!!!11!1!!!

- But after 3 or 4 tries she saw your slightly crestfallen face

- ((●'∧`●))

- She ate it

- (❁'▽'❁)*✲゚*

- really liked it????


- finished it in like 10 seconds

- asks for you to cook more meals for her

- you nearly cry you're so happy

- she nearly cries bc you cried bc you happy

- you cry bc she cry-

- You're now a big waifu and are the mom of the house hold


Hello babs sorry it's been a while. I've lost touch with the series but I still do enjoy writing them! You're comments make me so happy, so keep going! 

You nice keep going!

Farewell! <333

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