PREFERENCES: Favourite Thing About Them (Personality)

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Hello hello hello! how's your day? Good? YAY! I'm so happy!

So, I'm running out of things to say here, so when I do I'll just write my greeting and move on with the chapter. Just to let ya'll know! <33



You like how stubborn he is, though it's sometimes a curse. You're pretty shy and sometimes have problems standing up for what you think is right. Asch, however, doesn't have this and speaks what's on his mind.

You admire that.


Though you'd never say it, you liked how level headed he could be. Though you always seem like you don't give a shit, you can be pretty harsh on yourself. You're opinion on yourself isn't exactly high (me tho) and your lack of level headedness is one of those reasons. 

Like hell you'd admit it, but you envy how calm Rhys is sometimes.


You love his fiery personality. Since you both have a lot of passion and energy, you need someone that can keep up with you and constantly challenge you. Lief is exactly that - and a bunch of other stuff.

Sometimes you can go off like mad, and you want someone who can match you step for step.


How thoughtful he is. He can almost always tell when you're sad, though maybe you might have to make it slightly more obvious. You can always talk to him and rely on his for emotional support, and you know you'll do your best to help him too.


Noi is the sweetest little boy, and you're the sweetest little girl. You're a perfect match. You both love affection (though Noi still blushes from it) and you both give it readily. (LIKE ME) You need someone to give you and show you their love or you get sad (LIKE ME).


Her spunk. Being the sister of Pierce (I think I made Y/n the sister of Pierce??), you both don't experience that many emotions (whether from yourselves or other daemos) other than blood lust. 

So seeing someone with so much more personality than you gives you some amusement.


I'm rewatching some of the old episodes as I catch up, and NOI'S LITTLE MONOLOUGE ABOUT LOVE IS THAT SADDEST THING. AHHH MY BABY BOY!

I'd like to apologise AGAIN for leaving you all! I love you guys so much and I want you all to know my gratitude. WE REACHED 22K AHAHHAHAHH!

Love love love you! <3

My Inner Demons (MID) X Reader ONESHOT + PREFERENCES!On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara