Your King (Noi X Reader X Lief)

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Hello Hello Lovelies! How's your day been? Good? I hope so! OKAY, so I don't know if I am rushing these, because I have a lot to get done, and have school making me so anxious, so sorry if these dip in quality.


Requested by: Livx_Blue

Character: Noi and Pierce

Reader's personality: A daemos princess that is sweet, loving, small, gets jealous easily.

Scenario description: Ava took all of the Daemos out to do something and the two boys were doing things to impress you and wish to be your king.

I've never really done a love triangle before, and probably am going to suck at it. I probably rushed this, so I'm so sorry. So, let's just get to it and hope for the best.



Ava smiled at Y/n, who was informing her about Daemos culture, with all the boys trailing after them. The h/c girl was actually a princess, (I forgot if Asch was a prince or not, I think that was his brother but whatever) and was Asch's sister. 

"I still don't get the connection between you two though," Ava muttered, turning around to glare at the black haired man. Y/n tilted her head with a small smile, 

"I get that, but do you mind explaining why you think that?" she asked kindly. Two dreamy sighs sounded form behind them, but no one noticed (or cared AHEM). Lief, hearing the same sound from Noi, elbowed him in the gut quickly. 

"OW! Owwwiee..." Noi whined, small tears forming at his eyes. "Lief! That hurt!" the green eyed daemos narrowed his eyes, teeth grinding against each other.

"That's the point you idiot! And shut up, I don't want Y/n to hear us!" he hissed. Noi's eyes widened,

"Why do you not want her to hear us?" Smirking, Lief patted the younger boy's head. 

"It's nothing for you to worry about little boy, just some royal business," he sneered, grinning. Noi gasped, stepping back multiple times. He just realised what he meant, poor naive baby.

"No! You're not using her to get power are you?!" he asked. "That's a new low for you Lief! Trying to kill Ava was one thing, but to use her to get more power?! That's worse!" Noi whisper-shouted, pushing his shoulder. 

Lief looked shocked, shaking his head wildly,

"WHAT! NO! I WOULD NEVER!" Lief screeched, "I ACTUALLY LOVE HER!" Noi opened his mouth to object, but was interrupted-

"You love who?" a female voice asked, tilting her head. Hearing someone say they loved some 'her', made Y/n feel weird. But she brushed it off, forcing a smile with closed eyes. "If you need help, you know I can help you. I always want to help you, or help anyone."

"I was just telling Noi how monarchies work," Lief lied, sending a sly grin to his smaller friend. The orange haired boy pouted, crossing his arms. "Young Daemos these days don't know the basics,"

"Oh, I understand," the princess murmured, "that's so nice of you!" Y/n cheered. Noi's mind was racing,

OH NO! Y/n's apart of a monarchy, she probably thinks I'm stupid! Uh... I GOTTA DO SOMETHING! 

"Oh! N/n!" Noi exclaimed suddenly. Y/n turned to her other friend, humming. "Didn't you want a jacket too?" he asked, hopefully, remembering earlier that morning. Y/n was wearing a s/c/f high waisted skirt, a f/c tank top. Not being used to showing so much skin, she asked if she could borrow a jacket. Unfortunately, Ava and Y/n couldn't find a nice jacket or coat, so they went home, deciding to find one another day.

"Oh, yes! I completely forgot about that!" Y/n smiled. "Do you want to come with me? I helped someone with their child and they gave me some Human money, I can tell Ava," she offered. Noi nodded immediately, latching onto Y/n's waist. 

Lief stared in surprise, not expecting Noi to make such a bold decision. 

"Hahaha! Yay!" Y/n cheered, hugging her friend close to her face. A childish smile danced on her lips, making both boy's hearts jump. "I'll go tell Ava, I'll be back in a sec!" she cheered, holding both of Noi's cheeks in her warm hands (almost wrote 'harm hands' oops-). She grinned at him, setting his face aflame.

Letting go, she skipped over to Ava to inform her about her adventure, leaving Lief and Noi alone. Stalking over to his red-faced rival, Lief lifted Noi up by his collar glaring at him.

"What do you think you're doing little boy?" he growled, watching as Noi's face grew pale. Lief tightened his grip,

"I-I won't let you have h-her! She's s-so nice and k-kind! Y-you just w-want her for status!" Noi choked out. 

"Why you little..."

"Guys! Let's go!" Lief dropped Noi and grinned,

"Y/n! I get to go too!?" Noi coughed roughly, glaring up at Lief from under his eyelashes. "Cool!" Y/n nodded, taking my and Noi's hand. "HELL YEAH!"

She grinned up at us, "I know right?! I'm so happy, I love you both! Let's go get me a nice coat!" She dragged us away, not noticing the glares we shot behind her back. Lief grit my teeth together, 

"I actually love her you brat," he hissed, "Just because you tell me I don't love her the right way, doesn't mean I'll listen to you," the competition didn't even flinch. Instead, he leaned closer, narrowing his round eyes,

"I don't care, I love her too. You're too reckless for her," he growled. Lief's eyes widened and bit his lip to stop a snarl, 

"Fine then."

May the best king win.


Help me. I did so badly.

Side note, if it seems like I'm being anxious about not posting on time... it's because I am (WHEEZE). Guess who got social anxiety and thinks everyone is judging her? Me. So sorry if I apologise too much.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this, 

Bye bye Lovlies!<33

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