Body (Pierce X Reader) (LANGUAGE)

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Hi hi! I'm back in the swing of things, hopefully and ready to go!

A wonderful person with an equally wonderful profile picture requested this, so thank you!

Requested by: -HoNk-

Personality: Shy, short, gentle and easily scared.

Scenario: I want the reader to be a famous model. She runs into some of her old bullies while she's showing Pierce around her favourite store (any store) and they start to slut-shame her and other stuff. Pierce doesn't know what's going on but he can tell that his s/o is sad, eventually they hit her in some sort of way and Pierce just snaps.

It's not too much, trust me. :3


Reader is a model and knows Ava through her dads because their parents are good friends. She met the boys because she was helping Ava take out the trash and etc.,



My eyes lit up. 

"Oh Y/n, it's that candle store you really like (my mom likes candles and it was the first thing i thought of okay??," Ava pointed out. I looked to her with a smile, 

"Yeah, it is," I confirmed, rocking back and forth on my heels.

My boyfriend, Pierce, came up behind me and grabbed my hand. He looked down at me curiously, while I stared up at him.

"Do you want to go look at it?" Pierce asked. I nodded quickly.

"Yeah! I do," I admitted. "I'm just a little scared that I'll get recognised in the store and cause a havoc," my gaze shifted to the ground. Suddenly my eyes lit up, "oh!"

I reached into my bag and pulled out a black mask. I placed it's straps behind my ears and pulled it slightly over my mouth.

The others watched me curiously as I pulled my hood over my head. Pierce reached out to brush some of my h/c hair out of my eyes. His icy blue eyes observed me with childlike wonder.

I flashed him a kind smile,

"Now, let's go!" I cheered. "We'll meet you at the food court in 30 minutes," I told Ava, grabbing my boyfriend and rushing to the store.


I'm not sure about how much time passed, but Pierce and I seemed to enjoy ourselves. We were laughing about candle names, and naming each candle after our friends according to their smell (my idea).

"Okay," I giggled, "so, Asch is 'Hearth', Ava is 'Tutti Fruitti' and-"

"Y/n is 'Worthless Whore' (I love you all I'm just writing these things uwu)," 

If I didn't know better, I would've turned around and given that person a piece of my mind. But... sadly I did know better. I knew that voice. It was the voice of the person that pushed me to be a model.

So I should be thankful, right? No. They made me try worthless diets and starve myself until I passed out. I know now that this is not healthy, but I still have their voice in my head-

 "Hey, Slut," Injah (random name don't judge lol) sneered, "look at me when I'm talking to you."

I didn't.

"Are you worried that I'll go blind after looking into your eyes again?" I felt the tears prick at my eyes, not again.

"I- I'll just go," I tried to say, only to be held back by a very strong grip. I felt her nails dig into my arm, only a little more and it would've pierced my flesh.

"No, you stay here you little bitch," Injah spat. She grabbed my chin, pulling it closer to her face, "Don't play the innocent little girl card with me, I know what you do for your job," she growled.

Her fingers felt like they'd dent my jaw, but I couldn't bring myself to move. Did I really believe her? Did I really think that lowly of myself?

"Ow! What the hell?! Who are you-" 

I blinked. I didn't feel her hands on my body anymore, and I didn't smell her toxic perfume. 


My boyfriend stood in front of me, his hand wrapped tightly around mine.

Pierce turned his head, flashing me a small smile. When he turned his head back around, I felt the air grow cold.

"How dare you speak about this goddess like that. How dare you treat someone as kind as her like a street urchin. It's someone like you who should be treated like that. You're the weakest of human kind, no matter how strong you think you are-"

"Pierce, please," I rested my forehead against his shoulder blade. "You don't need to do this."

I didn't receive an answer right away, and instead, I dragged Pierce out of the shop. My head hanging low.

"But I did have to do it,"

"But why?"

"Because I love you,"


I'm sorry. I bullcrapped this so much. fml

I'm so tired and I had a dance show that I had to prepare for for 2 weeks straight and I wanna sleep.

Luv luve

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