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Richie sat in the row, tapping his foot against the ground, he was...anxious. To say the least, he watched the rest of his classmates going up to the stage, getting their highschool diplomas then leaving, yeah sure if it was his normal friends he wouldn't mind. But there were a couple of people he really didn't want to disappoint.

One, his boyfriend obviously. Plus his sister...and his niece and nephew. She had twins, they're a month old and were just...adorable. Richie loved them with everything in his heart and he really showed it. He brought them little teddies and even was fine with his room being changed into a nursery when he left for college. 

"Joseph Thomason....Richard Tozier." 

His name was announced as he rose from his seat in that dorky little black robe thing. He strutted up to the stage with a very nervous smile shaking his principles hand quickly grabbing the diploma, he was the youngest of his class so he looked very different to the rest of his class, but somehow was one of the tallest.

He gave a small wave like the rest of them as the room filled with a couple of people clapping...Beverly Marsh, Stan Uris, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, who had taken a day off from farm work to see his closest friends graduate, Ben Hanscom, Rachel Tozier, Maggie and Wentworth Tozier...And Eddie Kaspbrak, he was definitely clapping the loudest and hitting his hands together with the most force, and the second their eyes met. Richie went beat red in the face.

Eddie looked away quickly, Lucy Tozier sitting on his lap, next to his sister who had Joesph Tozier on her lap, he grabbed her small hands making little clapping motions laughing. Richie grinned quickly sprinting off the stage to return to his spot...

Thank fuck that's over holy shit...

He thought to himself still smiling widely from how loved he felt.

As the final person took their certificate, everyone got up as Richie rushed over to his family picking up the Tozier twins. "So, so...if me looking prepubescent compared to everyone else wouldn't draw attention to me, someone, not naming names, clapping like a mad man would." 

Eddie scoffed getting up from his visitors' seat. "Haha...shut up. I'm proud of you." Richie grinned, giving him a quick wink. "If I wasn't holding two babies I'd totally kiss you." Mike rolled his eyes, getting up. " graduated at 17? Jesus that's.-"

"Shooking, trust me. As an adult in his class! It's crazy!" Beverly grinned walking over. "We getting ready to leave?" Stan questioned. "I gotta get out of here before Georgie steals Bill." He added grasping Bills arm to drag him out. 

Richie nodded. "Yep, we still going to mine or?.." Eddie shook his head. "I thought we were spending tonight alone? You have to get your dorm ready and shit?.." He mumbled off, sounding more than a little panicked.

Mike laughed giving the all-knowing Beverly "a look". "Bets, anyone?" Beverly put her hand up quickly. "Sex! They're going to have sex!" Eddie shook his head, throwing his head back annoyed. "No!" Richie groaned. "Family plus Eddie only then, sorry gays." 

Ben shook his head. "Straight, and so is Beverly." Beverly shook her head. "Damm, already having my bisexuality erased." Everyone went silent...


"Wait...did I just come out?" Beverly laughed pointing at Richie. "I pulled a Richie!" Richie rolled his eyes. "Shut up! I get it! I came out kinda funny!" Rachel clapped her hands together. "Let's go oh my god! I need to piss and sleep! Baby thief!" Richie poked his tongue out laughing. "Mine now!" 

The family walked to the car as Richie handed the two twins to there mum. "So, you're with mum and dad?..and there's no more room in their car?.." Eddie rolled his eyes. "I was going to catch a ride with you anyway dummy." Richie grinned. "Fuck yeah.-"

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now