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Rachel questioned following along with her brother. "Who is your boyfriend?!" Richie sighed sucking in his lips. "Rachel, you will find out tonight, cool?" Rachel shook her head. "Not cool!" Richie turned around facing his sister. "Rachel. Just wait. Ok cool?" Rachel sighed. "Fine...but your ties off centre." Richie nodded turning to the mirror. "Thanks."

Rachel hummed. "Can I invite Eddie over tonight? You'll be too busy boning your boyfriend so." Richie nodded with a smug smile on his face. "See you in like, two hours Rachel." Rachel cocked her head. "Yes or no.-" "Bye Rachel!"

Richie quickly got in his car picking up the smaller boy, he knocked on the door quickly at the front door playing with his hands which were actually carrying a single rose, Eddie groaned looking off. "Hey! I can't find my stupid tie.-" "Here, Eds." Eddie looked at the boy confused. "Huh? Oh!.." Eddie looked down grabbing it from his hands quickly. "Uh...I'll go... put this somewhere, can you please help me find my tie? Or we're gonna be late..." Richie nodded quickly following him in.

Frank hummed. "You off Eddie?" Eddie nodded. "Uh yeah, I just can't find! Fucking god!" Frank stood up. "Language Eddie, what can't you find?" Eddie groaned picking up some papers off the table. "My tie! It's like it vanished!" Richie stammered. "Uh, I can check your room?" Eddie nodded quickly. "Please."

Richie quickly walked up the stairs looking through the decorated room, the queen size bed with a nice white headboard, wooden floors with a rug over it, white wooden pushed next to the door, Richie took a quick look going through the draws until a black and white fabric caught his eye...dumbass left his tie on his door.

Richie laughed looping the tie around his fingers. "Hello Mr tie, this is Eddie. The dumbass who didn't check his doorknob." Eddie grinned quickly grabbing it off him. "Oh thank god!" Richie laughed as the boy scrambled to do his tie. "Thank you so much." Frank hummed. "I'll see you, boys?" Eddie answered. "Tomorrow, I'm going to hang out with his sister after." Frank nodded. "Can I get a quick photo?"

Eddie nodded quickly. "Yep!"


Stan waved down the car he knew as Richies quickly as Richie groaned. "Yes, Stan?" Stan said as Richie got out. "Who's the boyfriend?!" Richie sighed as Eddie jumped out quickly. "Hey." Stan choked. "Bill owes me $10!" Richie laughed wrapping an arm around the shorter boy. "Where's Bevvie dear? And Billy boy?" Stan answered. "Inside, I just really wanted to see who you were bringing!"

They quickly dragged in laughing, Eddie sat down quickly as Beverly laughed. "Honestly, I'm not surprised!" Eddie rolled his eyes as Richie sat down next to him sliding the drink. "Alright! Gays and gals! What's the plan?" Eddie answered grabbing the drink. "Sit here until you get so annoying I dance with you." Richie laughed. "Thank you, Eds."

Stan laughed looking off eyeing up Bill. "That." Eddie choked on his drink coughing. "Jesus Christ," Beverly laughed. "Probably just sit here, I don't really have a date so..." Richie slapped the table. "Bev, bitch, I'll dance with you! Like one song, not slow, I'm not grabbing your waste but just one dance!" Beverly laughed. "You have got yourself a deal."

Richie got up rubbing Eddies shoulder. "I'll be right back." Eddie nodded. "Alright, Beverly...I'm watching you." Beverly rolled her eyes as Richie ran off with her quickly. Stan questioned. "Would you be good if I went off and danced?" Eddie nodded grabbing out his phone. "I shall be fine Stan, alright? Go have fun!"

After a two-minute song of a little too hyped up music a slow beat came on, bigger hands rested on Eddie's shoulders causing him to jump, a deep voice whispered in his ear. "Wanna dance, baby?" Eddie looked up laughing. "Sure."

Eddie got up slipping his phone down on the table, Richie dragged him onto the dance floor humming. "Alright, so...Eds! Since you're shorter, you're the girl." Eddie choked. "Bitch we're guys! That's the point!" Richie rolled his eyes grabbing the smaller boys hands placing them on his shoulders. "See, and now I shall..." He slid his hands down around the boy's waist.

Eddie groaned. "This feels so fucking weird!" Richie nodded quickly. "Yes but no." Eddie cocked his head. "What do you mean?" Richie hummed pulling him closer. "Alright so, I really like being able to hold you close but...this is LOUD!" Eddie laughed collapsing his head onto the boy's chest. "Really?" Richie nodded resting his head on top of the boys head. "Yeah, of course."

Eddie hummed into the boy's chest. "God...I don't want you to go." Richie laughed. "What?" Eddie frowned. "I uh, I don't want you to leave...I only just got to know you and I already know I'll miss you." Richie sighed holding him tighter. "I know Eds...I don't want to leave either." Eddie rubbed his face against his shirt as Richie laughed. "Are you crying?" Eddie shook his head quickly pulling back whipping his face. "No!"

Richie laughed cupping his face. "Aw, someone cares." Eddie nodded just grabbing his waist hugging him. "Shut up." The song quickly came to an end as Richie whispered. "Dude, people are going to notice..." Eddie nodded quickly letting go. "Yep!" Richie rolled his eyes bopping around. "I want to but." Eddie groaned trying to follow his lead. "Everyone in this shit whole is really homophobic?" Richie nodded. "You betcha baby."


Eddie laughed, admittedly a little tipsy from the amazing spiked punch. "Let's go!" Richie nodded. "Yeah, we probably should..." Richie made a peace sign. "See you, bitches, on Monday." Eddie laughed getting up following the bigger boy. "Oh fuck." Richie stopped in his tracks as the words were across his car doors "F A G G O T". Richie groaned gripping his forehead. "Fuck!"

Eddie looked at him, confused. "Huh?" Richie groaned running his hand over the fresh layer of spray paint. "Someone fucking! Let's just get going." Eddie nodded quickly getting into the car leaning back. "I'm sorry." Richie looked at him confused starting the engine. "Nothing to be sorry about, baby? What's up?" Eddie shrugged. "If you just went with Bev your car would be fine."

Richie groaned. "Dude, you're more important than a stupid car, and! Beverly wasn't nearly as cute as you so!" Eddie laughed leaning back. "I...I love! Your car!" Richie laughed rubbing his thigh. "I love my car too." Eddie laughed tossing his head back. "I want fries." Richie hummed. "Really?" Eddie nodded. "Yeah."

After a quick Mcdonalds stop they arrived back at the Tozier house, Eddie had already chucked his blazer in the backseat and undone his tie plus the top two buttons. "Thank fuck for Mcdonalds I'm gonna scream." Richie laughed as they exited the car. "I had fun, Eds." Eddie smiled rubbing his head onto the boy's shoulder. "Same!"

Richie hummed. "Home!" Rachel came sporting down the stairs. "Who...Eddie?!" Eddie waved slurring. "I'm just gonna...sleep for eternity." Rachel stammered. "Eddie?!" Eddie nodded laughing. "Night." Richie winked. "Ah yes, sleep." Rachel stammered looking back and forward. "Eddie?!"

Eddie laughed flopping back onto the other boy's bed. "You're so..." Richie raised an eyebrow unbuttoning his shirt. "What?" Eddie shrugged. "Nice? Hot? Cute? Affectionate?" Richie laughed slipping on his normal bed shirt. "You're so cute sometimes." Eddie groaned blowing a raspberry into his hands. "Just! Fucking hurry up dickhead! I want to cuddle!" Richie laughed slipping off his pants. "You good?"

Eddie nodded as Richie chucked him a shirt. "That one, I'm gonna need back. Alright?" Eddie pouted. "Ow! But my Richie Tozier clothe collection was finally growing!" Richie laughed. "Haha, so funny. Need help their buddy?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "No...maybe." Richie laughed. "No homo." Eddie groaned. "Shut up."

Richie laid down next to his boyfriend who was currently slipping out of the button-up. "Alright! See! Done!" Richie laughed sitting up. "Cool...cool. Come here." Eddie nodded quickly hugging the boy. "I uh..." Richie hummed. "I love you too."


A/N: When they say I love you

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now