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Wentworth asked walking down the stairs. "Are you two heading to school?" Richie nodded quickly helping him. "Yep, of course." Wentworth nodded. "Good...good." Richie sighed. "You going to be fine with mum?" Wentworth shot his son a look as he nodded. "I shall head to school, you old fart. Have a good day sipping your tea." Wentworth nodded laughing. "See you after school."

Richie yelled. "Rachel! Get your ass up!" "Rachel!" Richie pushed on the bathroom door. "You alright?" Rachel groaned through the vomiting. "Go away, Richie!" Richie stammered. "Shit are you ok?!" "Richie go away!" Richie rolled his eyes. "What's wrong?" Rachel rolled her eyes opening the door. "I need you to uh...buy me something," Richie asked. "Tampons?"

Rachel groaned. "Can we just stop at the corner store on the way to school?" Richie nodded. "Of course," Rachel asked whipping her lip getting out of the bathroom. "Are we picking up Eddie?" Richie shook his head. "He said he wants to run." Rachel nodded. "Poor you."

Richie pouted. "My poor view of that perfect ass." Rachel gagged. "Ew."


"Whatchu buying?" Richie questioned following his little sister, Rachel groaned. "Richard, go away," Richie questioned. "Why?" Rachel grabbed the pregnancy test numbering. "No reason." Richie's eyes widened. "Pregnant?!" Rachel groaned. "Sh! Sh! Shut up!" Richie nodded. "Who?"

Rachel groaned. "Just! The guy I liked! We hooked up and yeah!" Richie nodded. "Alright, alright...Uh...did he wear a condom?" Rachel went silent as they went up to the counter. "Rachel! You better be kidding!" Rachel shook her head. "Nope..." Richie grabbed his head. "Seriously?! Babies and STDs!" Rachel laughed a little. "You sound like Eddie..."

Richie nodded as the cashier came around. "Oh! You two seem young." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Can I just get this and go please?" After a very awkward couple of minutes, they arrived at school. Richie hummed. "Want to keep the thing in my car or? Cause it'd be weird?" Rachel rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine, jackass."


"Aw, it's a little faggot!" Eddie raised an eyebrow shutting his locker. "Huh?" A blond boy shrugged leaning next to him. "You really thought you could prance around int...that? And have no one notice?" Eddie looked himself up and down. "Nothing gay about my outfit but, alright." He was right, he was wearing a turtleneck with high waisted jeans, normal belt and shoes, plus a jacket.

The boy laughed. "Sure, faggot." Eddie groaned. "Ok? If I'm gay? Coolio. Why the fuck do you care?" Eddies eyes widened as the boy grabbed his collar pinning him against the lockers creating a loud thump. "I don't want little faggots around my school." Eddie nodded about to scream. "Yep, cool."

He got dropped hitting the ground a little too hard. "Ah fuck!" The boy laughed walking off as Eddie got up gripping his wrist. "Fucking cunt!" "Morning to you too...Tozier." Eddie groaned. "Morning." Rachel laughed. "You're wearing his jumper?" Eddie nodded. "Yep, uh? Does this school have a nurse?" Rachel nodded, confused. "Yeah? Why?" Eddie hissed. "My wrist, uh...it hurts." Rachel cocked her head shrugging it off. "Alright?.."

Rachel walked him down, she poked at his wrist. "That hurt?" "Ow! Yes! What?" Rachel laughed. "Sorry..." Eddie rolled his eyes as Rachel hummed. "Uh, my friend needs to see Nurse Kyle." The office lady nodded. "Go through." Rachel hummed. "I'll see you in like! Second period!" Eddie nodded going through. "Hello, Mr...Tozier?" Eddie shook his head quickly. "Uh no sorry, it's my friends' jacket."

Nurse Kyle nodded. "Name?" Eddie hummed. "Edward Kaspbrak," "Why are you here?" "I fell on my wrist and it hurts." The nurse nodded. "This hurt?" He gripped onto it a bit as Eddie hissed. "Yeah! Really badly!" The nurse nodded feeling around. "It seems...sprained? Or...you should get this checked out after school." Eddie nodded confused. "So? What do I do?" He answered. "I'll wrap it up, just be careful on it."

Eddie nodded as he grabbed an ice pack and bandage.


"I swear to god if one person calls me Tozier again I'm going to fucking scream!" Rachel laughed following him. "I love that for you, why not just take off the jumper." Eddie went silent looking down, Rachel choked. "I forgot!" Eddie groaned. "Shut up asshole I swear to god!"

Eddie sat down groaning. "If my hands broken, my mum's going to lock me up in." Rachel laughed. "Poor you," Eddie groaned. "I regret telling you." "Telling her what?" Richie questioned sitting next to his friend. "The dick happened to your hand?" Eddie answered. "Nothing." Richie nodded. "Uh-huh... what happened?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Nothing!" Richie moved closer. "What. Happened." Eddie groaned. "Nothing! Cool?!" Richie nodded. "Sure, nice jacket." Eddies eyes widened. "Oh, shit do you need it back?!"

Richie laughed. "Dude, I have like...12 jackets, keep until you get one." Eddie just nodded looking off. "Ok!" Rachel shot him a quick look humming. "Please don't like jerk off in it." Eddie groaned. "I'm not going to!" Richie pouted laughing. "Oh, really?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Rachel, give me your notes."

"Hey, bitches guess who just gave a hickey!" Eddie looked up humming. "Guess who got a free jacket, so. Who's winning?" Stan rolled his eyes. "Yes well, I got to grope someone so!" Richie sighed. "Stan, you're such a virgin." Stan groaned. "So's your boyfriend!" Richie looked up. "Don't have one Stanny boy."

Stan laughed. "Nice free jacket Eddie." Eddie rolled his eyes. "I broke my wrist...I think?" Richie groaned. "Oh please, now what happened!" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Stan, who was the boy?" Stan grinned. "Bill!" Eddie choked. "Bill?! You're telling me, Bill!"

Stan grinned. "Yeah! He's so hot!" Eddie laughed. "That's! I'm happy for you." Richie groaned. "I have blue balls, Stan you suck." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Little sister here." Eddie groaned. "And I don't want to hear about your balls." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Sure." Richie nodded pointing to Rachel. "Yeah, sure."

Eddie groaned. "I don't! I truly don't want to hear about your dick!" Richie nodded. "Mhmm, sure baby." Eddie jumped. "Don't call me baby that's so gross!" Richie shrugged. "Kitten." Rachel gagged. "I'm so disgusted please stop." Beverly nodded. "Please do." She sat down groaning. "I heard kitten and saw Richies sex look, I'm disgusted and want to leave already."

Eddie nodded. "Same!"




"Take my jumper."




"Eddie!" Eddie snapped out looking up at the doctor. "Yes?" "Your wrist is broken." Eddie nodded. "So, what?" Dr Sable hummed. "You're going to need a cast." Mrs Kaspbrak said, panicked. "When can we get surgery?!" Eddie choked. "Surgery! No?!" Dr Sable looked at the clipboard. "He needs a cast, that's it. His wrist just needs to heal." "Painkillers?" "Nope, just...rest."

Eddie nodded. "Cool!"


A/N: Cast time boys.

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें