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"Guess who starts their senior year tomorrow!" Maggie raised an eyebrow. "Rachel?" Richie rolled his eyes poking her shoulder. "Mother, I expect respect, I'm a young adult now." Maggie laughed turning to her son. "You skipped a year, you're not that old." "Mum! Stop exposing me!" The teen laughed grabbing a cup above his mother. "So! I was thinking..." 

Maggie turned to the grinning boy sighing. "Yes, Beverly and Stan can stay over tonight." Richie jumped hugging his mother. "Thank you! You sure dads fine with it?" Maggie nodded as her oldest child kissed her cheek. "We guessed you'd do something like that." Maggie put a finger up. "Don't forget!" "Yes ma, I'll take it don't worry." She smiled. "Thank you, Richard, you're a smart boy it just needs a little help to...unlock that?" Richie nodded. "Ma! You've been saying that since grade 3, I know." 


"Alright, boys!" Richie clapped his hands together as Beverly gave him a confused look. "I'm a girl?" Richie laughed. "Oh please! You have a bigger dick then Stan!" Stan looked up from his book rolling his eyes. "No, she doesn't," Beverly hummed. "Yes, I do. But! What's the plan for this year?" 

"Have as much fun as we can!" Stan shook his head. "Study." Richie rolled his eyes flopping back on his bed. "Ok, grandpa." Stan nodded. "And don't you forget that you young wiper snapper!" Richie flipped him off. "You're one year older than me!" 

Beverly smiled. "So, have any plans for actually getting a...girlfriend? This year." Richie shrugged sitting up. "Boyfriend, girlfriend, doesn't matter. Cool? But! I'm not dating till college, cool? Hookups though..." Beverly sighed getting up. "You're such a square bare Richard!" Richie sat up. "Prof?" Beverly grabbed the books off his desk. "Nice comics." Richie chucked a pillow at her laughing. "Shut up, Beverly! Comics are cool." 

Stan hummed. "So, we watching it or?" Richie nodded quickly grabbing his remote. "Yep! Highschool horror movie baby!" Beverly laughed. "God, see! You're such a geek!" Richie rolled his eyes leaning against her. "You love me, shut up." 



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"Eddie bear, head to sleep," Sonia said leaning against the door frame. "Can't." Eddie groaned placing his phone down on his nightstand. "How come? What's troubling you?" Sonia asked walking in, Eddie fake laughed. "You leaving dad, to die. Alone." Sonia sighed. "Eddie, there's so much you don't know...ok? Your dads a strong man, he'll get through this. Ok?" 

Eddie rolled his eyes looking off pulling his knees to his chest. "You're acting as if you care about him." "Eddie bear, of course, I care about him. I love both of you." "Stop lying!" Eddie cut her off a little too angered. "If you ever cared about us you wouldn't do this! Get the fuck out!" Sonia stood up sighing. "You're grounded. One week." "Fine by me!" 


A/N: Ooooh, family drama. V spicy in my meatball. 

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