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Eddie stammered as hands went over his eyes covering his sight. "Guess who made the track team!" Eddie turned around quickly as Rachel held up a paper of the new track team. "Fuck yeah! Really?" Rachel nodded grinning. "Mhmm!" Eddie quickly hugged the girl grinning. "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"

Eddie pulled back closing his locker. "Why's he so happy?" Eddie turned to see her friends' brother looking at him, confused. "I made the track team!" Richie nodded smiling a little. "That's really good." He laughed scruffing his hair. "Youngins these days." Eddie rolled his eyes fixing his hair. "I'm a year younger than you!" "And?" Richie laughed leaning down a little, Eddie shook his head looking off. "And it means you're not THAT old!" Rachel groaned. "Come on! We have English!" Eddie nodded quickly being dragged off.


"Bathroom, now." Eddie nodded quickly as the older boy dragged him off, Richie grabbed his face rubbing his cheek lightly. He leaned in quickly kissing him slowly trailing his hands down grasping his hips, Eddie jumped up quickly as Richie placed him on the counter pulling back trailing along his neck as his hands wandered up and down his waist.

He pulled at the hem of his shirt pressing his lips against his shoulder. "Can I?" Eddie nodded gripping onto his back. "Yeah." Richie pulled back going to do it until he said. "Eddie this is so boring!"

Eddie snapped out of his fantasy mumbling. "Hm? What?" Rachel looked at him, confused. "It looks like you've seen a ghost?" Eddie shook his head quickly. "No! I was just daydreaming." Rachel nodded looking at the board. "Mhmm, what was it about?" Eddie shrugged. "Nothing, just normal stuff." "If normal stuff is fantasy about your friends older brother, sure." He thought to himself getting extremely embarrassed. "Sure Eddie, sure."


"Check it out! Senior Jackets came in!" Richie announced to his younger sister laughing, she nodded. "That's so cool! I can't wait to be a senior!" Richie laughed. "Be smart then." Rachel rolled her eyes arriving at the normal spot, it was a bit from the track field but it was out of sight. "Where's that, Eddie guy?" Rachel answered. "Give me your chips and I'll tell you." He rolled his eyes handing them over as Beverly came over. "He's doing his first track meet thing, he said he'll be out by the middle of the break."

Richie nodded as Beverly groaned. "Stan got on the track team and now he's ditching us!" Rachel choked. "Oh! So...Stan and Eddie made it?" Richie choked. "Sports are stealing my boyfriend." Rachel raised an eyebrow. "Stan or Eddie?" Richie winked nudging Rachel humming. "A man doesn't say shit."

"Hey! Rachel!" Eddie painted grinning, he whipped his brow groaning, Stan walked up behind him humming. "I like Eddie, he's cool." Eddie grinned sitting down on his jumper. "I like Stan, he's a fast runner." "The team captain was hot." Eddie choked leaning on Rachel. "What? Bill?"

Stan nodded sitting down. "Mhmm, that stutter, a man with a stutter has a good tongue." Eddie choked stammering. "What?" Rachel laughed. "Welcome to the group of senior sluts!" Eddie laughed a little. "Wait so?" Rachel sighed. "Everyone but me is not a virgin, sir."

Eddie nodded going a little red. "Alright," Beverly questioned. "Are you?" Eddie stammered. "What? That's so gross I'd never even like, you know or!" Rachel tried not to laugh covering her face. "You sound really defensive..." Eddie shook his head. "Do not!"


Rachel hummed. "Oh! What are you doing for your birthday?" Eddie looked at her, confused. "Legit nothing?" Rachel pouted. "Can you come over! We can do something! And I'm sure Richie will let you play with his puppy!" Eddie stammered, obviously flustered. "What?!" Rachel laughed. "He has a month old puppy dumbass." Eddie nodded, red in the face. "Oh! Sure?"

Rachel questioned as they exited the school. "You got a ride?" Eddie shook his head clutching his bag. "No? I walk?" Rachel hummed waving down Richie. "You want a ride?-"Rachel was cut off by a loud thud "Oh! It's the lesbian! Finally got a boyfriend?" Rachel just groaned. "Not a lesbian, and not my boyfriend." "Dyke." Rachel looked down as the older girls walked off, Eddie stammered, confused. "Are you ok?" Rachel nodded muttering. "I'm fine. Don't tell Richie." "Don't tell me what?"

Rachel looked up, wide-eyed. "Oh! Uh! That one of my friends wants to fuck you!" Richie scoffed. "You're only friends Eddie." Rachel shook her head. "That's you know of." Richie sighed. "Sure, rat. Does Eds need a ride?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Don't call me Eds, and I'm right here." Richie rolled his eyes with a small grin on his face. "Ok, Eds. Need one or?"

Eddie shook his head as Rachel just started nodding. "Yes, he does! He needs a ride!"


Richie hummed walking into the house with Rachel. "So Eddies coming over this weekend?" Rachel nodded. "Yeah? Why?" Richie shrugged. "I was gonna collect my new car that day." Rachel looked at him, visibly confused. "And?" Richie hummed shrugging. "Just wanted to be able to wish him a happy birthday."

Rachel looked at him. "What." Richie rose an eyebrow. "I wanna wish him a happy birthday?" Rachel yelled walking up the stairs. "Mum! Mum! Help!" Richie rolled his eyes as his mother walked down. "What? Richie stop calling your sister a rat." Rachel shook her head. "He wants to fuck my friend!" Maggie looked at Richie who was shaking his head. "Rachel! No! I don't want to fuck your friend, cool?"

Rachel nodded crossing her arms. "Good..."


A/N: Richie and Eddie:
Rachel: 😡✋

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora