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Eddie grinned grabbing his long time friend hugging her quickly. "Hi! I fucking missed you so much!" Apple grinned hugging him back. "We saw each other a couple of weeks ago?" "And? I'm allowed to miss you!" 

Apple cocked her head. "Is there anything to do here?" Eddie nodded. "Denbroughs diner! It's so good! Then maybe, we could...go skating or something! Or we could draw! Or go for.-" Apple nodded. "Let's just draw, after dinner though!" Eddie nodded laughing.


"Alright! This is Denboughs diner! It's SO good!" Apple nodded grinning. "Where shall we sit?" Eddie went to say something only to be waved down. "Eds!" Eddie went pale in the face waving back, Apple cocked her head. "Who's that? He's hot.-" Eddie cut her off gagging. "That's Richie." Apple shook her head quickly. "Nevermind," 

Eddie walked over to the booth which has Stan and Beverly also in it. "Hey." Richie smiled. "So, come here often?" Eddie rolled his eyes as Apple basically wrapped herself around Eddie. "Hello." Beverly rose an eyebrow. "Who's this?" Eddie hummed. "Beverly, this is Apple." Richie looked at them, confused. "Wasn't she in new york?" Apple shrugged. "Someone hurt my Eddie bear so!" "Ew don't call me that, you sound like my mum." 

Richie stammered, getting more confused by the minute. "Who?" Eddie shrugged. "Doesn't matter! Uh, she's throwing a party tonight, would you guys like to come?" 


Apple laughed in her 5-star sweet. "Inviting your fling to a party I was throwing to distract you?" Eddie groaned. "I don't like parties, cool?" Apple nodded. "I know! But it's still gonna be fun, I promise." Eddie nodded as people started coming in, Eddie just sat there as Apple socialized, Eddie was already on his 5th cup of...not so child-friendly drink when his two favourite siblings arrived. 

Eddie grinned waving down Rachel, she came over confused as he just laughed. "Hey!" She raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think parties were your thing?" Eddie laughed. "They're not! Apple threw it!" Rachel nodded. "Uh-huh...you ok?" Eddie slurred. "I'm fantastic!" Rachel hummed. "Stay here, for 5 seconds!"

Rachel grabbed her older brothers sleeve humming. "Can you give me a lift?" Richie raised an eyebrow. "We just got here?" Rachel nodded. "I know but like, Eddies..." Richie stumbled. "Huh? What's wrong with Eds?" Rachel answered. "He's shitfaced." Richie nodded. "I can take him back if you want to stay here? I pinky promise I won't bone your drunk friend...I'd want him to remember it."


Eddie laughed getting into the car. "You abducting me sir?" Richie shook his head leaning over to do his seatbelt up. "Nope taking you.-" Richie was cut off by the smaller drunk boy kissing him, his breath smelt bad and tasted like alcohol, and it wasn't nearly as graceful as the last one but Richie still liked it, he pulled back humming. "Eds, you're drunk." 

He shrugged laughing. "And? You're like...so fucking hot!" Richie laughed starting his car. "You too."


Richie groaned putting the smaller boy in his bed. "You ok? You comfy?" Eddie nodded sprawled out. "Mhmm..." Richie laughed. "Uh, you need some clothes?" Eddie nodded half asleep already. "Mhmm..." 

Richie laid out a shirt and shorts on his bed humming. "Uh, I'll come back in like...10 minutes?" Eddie nodded still half asleep, he quickly called up his little sister. "Hey." "Hello! Hows the drunk boy?" Richie answered. "Half asleep,"

Rachel questioned. "Which room?" Richie answered walking into the kitchen. "Mine, you don't own a bed big enough for two people dumbass.- Oh! You might need to tell that apple chick he's here?" Rachel nodded. "Right...please don't violet him. Please." Richie rolled his eyes. "What perv do you take me for? And, I wouldn't." Rachel sighed. "Ok, good. Tell him I'll be there in like an hour." "Will do." 

Richie walked back up to the room knocking lightly. "You decent?" "Yep!" Richie walked back into the room with a cup of water. "Hey." Eddie laughed in his lanky T-shirt. "Hello! Your beds like...really comfy." Richie nodded handing him the cup. "Thanks." Eddie gagged. "Why water?" Richie laughed sitting on the bed with him. "You need to sober up." 

Eddie mumbled something incoherent under his breath opening a draw. "Whatchu doing there Eds?" Eddie hummed. "I'm bored..." Richie nodded. "Sleep then." Eddie shook his head pulling and prying in the draw. "Oh? What is this?" He pulled out a weird circle thing with another circle, Richie choked fake coughing into his hand. "Eds, you should put that down." Eddie raised an eyebrow fiddling with it. "Why?" 

Richie stammered. "It's uh, a cock ring? So." Eddie nodded quickly dropping it. "That's so fucking gross!" Richie laughed. "Stop going through my draws then!" Eddie rolled his eyes laying back. "Shhh, you uh! Kinky man!" Richie laughed a little. "Drunk Eds is stupid." Eddie flipped him off. "Fuck you." Richie nodded. "I know you want to." Eddie nodded laughing. "How'd you figure it out?" 

Richie choked. "What?" Eddie laughed. "I want to fuck you." Richie nodded covering his face. "Thanks, Eds." 


"Richie! Richie!" Rachel ran up the stairs to see his bedroom door open and lights off, but with a small light coming out. Rachel poked her head in the room seeing Richie in his bed on his phone and a smaller boy cuddled up to him. "What the fuck?" She whispered walking into the room. Richie put a finger to his lip signalling her to shhh. 


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"The lights hurting my head." Eddie groaned into Richie's chest, Richie nodded wrapping his free arm over his eyes. "Mhmm, rat. Out." Rachel shook her head. "I'm watching." Eddie groaned. "Shut up!" 


A/N: When he be drunk.

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now