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Richie sighed sitting down under the normal tree, everyone was still in class, he bit his nail hard trying to avoid the want of a "final" cigarette."Come on trash mouth, you've got this." He muttered to himself.

"Just one more, it won't do anything."

"You're doing this for him."

"It won't hurt him if he doesn't know."

"Maybe just one more would.-"



"So you're back?" Rachel questioned shutting her locker, Eddie nodded. "Mhmm! Got back this morning, I told you I was coming in on Friday?" Rachel nodded. "Sorry, just a lot on my mind...How was it?" Eddie answered. "Uh! Good actually, I was able to see my dad and grandma. And I got to spend time with my old friend Apple!" Rachel cocked her head. "Apple?" Eddie nodded. "Apple, she's so pretty! She has big thick curly hair! Like it's so cool! And it's pink!" 

Rachel nodded. "That's cool!" Eddie nodded. "How'd your week go though?" Rachel stammered. "Uh...well..." Eddie cocked his head. "What happened? Are you ok?" Rachel shook her head with tears in her eyes. "My dad has uh...cancer."


Richie looked up confused. "Oh, you're back?" Eddie nodded plopping himself down close to the boy. "Mhmm," Rachel quickly followed. "Get the memo." Beverly grinned sitting down. "Want to light me up, lover boy?" Richie stammered looking down. "Uh..." He stammered rubbing his head. "...no?" 

Eddie went to say something as Stan cut off. "Oh, the twinks back." Eddie rolled his eyes. "You missed me!" "Sure, wanna hang out after school Richie?" He shook his head quickly stealing Eddie's water bottle. "Nope, I have plans. Sorry." 

Stan nodded. "Uh, Eddie." Eddie nodded confused. "Yeah?" He pointed at the boy next to him who skulling down his water. "Bitch! I don't want your gross backwash!" He gripped onto the boy jumping at him. "You want it straight up or?" Richie winked laughing, Eddie shook his head quickly red in the face. "No! No, I don't!" 


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Wentworth sighed grabbing his wife's hand. "I'll be fine, you guys should head home." Richie shook his head sitting next to his dad. "No thank you." Wentworth groaned as Maggie hummed. "You need some rest..." Rachel questioned. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Wentworth nodded stretching. "Mhmm, I promise." 

After a silent drive home the family got in, Wentworth had to stay in for observation for five to seven days seeing how it'd go, Richie shrugged nudging his sister. "Cookie?" She let out a low laugh. "What?" Richie shrugged. "Do you want a cookie, rat?"

Rachel sighed. "Sure." Maggie sighed. "Your dad doesn't want you two visiting." "Huh?!" Rachel choked on the cookie as Richie questioned. "Why?" Maggie answered dropping her bag in the living room. "He doesn't want you guys to see him as less, or pitty him or..." Rachel nodded. "But, I want to help!" 

Richie nodded. "Same." Maggie nodded grabbing her children's hands, one each. "You can, by just...being normal." The siblings nodded walking up the stairs, Rachel questioned about to go into her room. "Cookie?" Richie laughed resting his head on his bedroom door. "You can come in."


"So! Then, right? He flops off the roof and!" Rachel laughed laying on her brothers' bed. "That didn't happen, did it?" Richie nodded unpacking his toolset. "It did, why else would Stan have a scar on his cheek?" Rachel questioned. "Does he like that Bill kid?" Richie nodded quickly sitting at his desk. "Mhmm! It's so obvious! Like." Rachel laughed rubbing her hands together. "Uh...how do I like, tell if I like someone?" 

Richie rose an eyebrow. "Who's the lucky girl?" Rachel groaned. "It's a boy!" Richie nodded, laughing. "I know, but who are they?" Rachel shrugged. "Doesn't matter, I don't even know if I like him." Richie nodded. "Uh, well? What do you feel when you're with him?"  Rachel shrugged. "I don't, it's like my stomach feels weird and like? I want to kiss them."

Richie choked. "You horny bitch!" Rachel stammered red in the face. "What?! No!" Richie nodded with a small grin on his face. "You don't want to date them! You want to!" Rachel rolled her eyes covering her face. "Shut up, what about you then? Who do you want to fuck? You have a new person every week." 

Richie stammered twisting facing the R.C car on his desk. "No one," "Oh? I've never gotten a "no one" answer before." Richie rolled his eyes. "Rachel, no one. Alright? I'm not in the mood for dating or banging at the moment." Rachel cocked her head. "Why? You're usually all like "oh my god! Time to bang! Time to get my dick fucked!", so...what's happened?"

Richie shrugged. "I don't know," Rachel chucked a pillow at her brother groaning. "Be honest with me please!" Richie hummed. "I want to fuck someone, emotionally. Cool? Cool." Rachel grinned a little. "Whos' the girl? Or guy?" Richie shook his head. "Can't tell you that," Rachel questioned. "Why?!" 

Richie answered taking the wheels off. "Uh...cause." "Richie." Rachel said seriously. "Please don't be..." Richie nodded. "Mhmm..." Rachel stood up. "I forbid it." Richie laughed looking up. "What?" Rachel hummed. "I forbid you from boning my only friend." Richie pouted. "If I boned him he'd come over more." Rachel shook her head. "He probably doesn't even like you buttface!" Richie rose an eyebrow. "What gave you that impression?"

Rachel stammered. "Wouldn't he mention it to me?" Richie laughed covering his mouth. "Did he mentioned we..." "What did you two do?!" Richie shrugged. "I don't know, ask him." 


A/N: Richie and Rachels family dynamic b like

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now