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Eddie looked up at the ceiling naked pondering to himself. "That just happened." "Yep." Eddie nodded looking over at the other boy. "Yep..." Richie laughed poking his hand. "You were loud." Eddie slapped his chest. "Shut up.- I didn't wake anyone did I?!" Richie laughed. "If you woke someone, they would've said it." Eddie nodded. "Alright...cool." 

Eddie turned on his side. "What are we?" Richie looked at him, confused. "What?" Eddie repeated. "What are we?" Richie stammered. "Uh...well, we just...boned?" Eddie couldn't help but laugh. "Shut up." Richie cracked a half-grin, getting more confused by the minute. "What?" 

Eddie smiled. "Shut up." Richie shrugged. "Kissing me would be easier.-" Eddie put his fingers to the boy's lip. "There, you've been shut up." Richie gasped. "How could you!" Eddie laughed pulling him close. "Cuddle me, dumbass." 

Richie hummed. "Do we tell people or?" Eddie shook his head. "Not right now, please?" Richie nodded. "Why?" Eddie shrugged. "Cause, I want to enjoy your company as my...without others." Richie nodded. "Gotchu hot stuff." 


"Hey, Rachel." Rachel looked at her friend, confused. "How did you get in my house?!" Eddie laughed sitting next to her. "Richie." Rachel nodded as he hummed. "How are you feeling?" Rachel shrugged. "Tired, worried, fat. You?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Have you decided?" Rachel nodded. "I'm gonna keep it...maybe?" Eddie nodded grabbing her hand with his good hand. "If you do, I'll be there, and Richie will be there and your parents will be there." 

Rachel nodded. "I guess, anyway! How's the stupidity of you and Richies relationship? It makes me laugh knowing you two are too awkward to just fuck and get it other with." Eddie rolled his eyes. "Just friends Rachel." Rachel nodded. "Goodluck." 


"Gays and gals! Guess who finally got laid!" Eddie cocked his head. "Not you?" Richie rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous." Eddie shook his head. "Nope, not jealous." Richie sighed. "Baby shut the fuck up." Eddie nodded quickly looking down. Stan sighed. "There's a track meet tonight, you should all come to watch me beat Eddie." Eddie fake laughed. "Haha! I'll beat you!" Stan nodded. "Mhmm, with that limp there I don't think so." 

Rachel nodded. "How did you even get that anyway?" Eddie answered going red. "Slipped and landed on my ass." Stan laughed. "See! I'll win." Eddie rolled his eyes. "Ice dipshit." Richie nodded. "Ah yes, ice." Eddie slapped his arm groaning. "Shut up," 

Rachel hummed tapping Eddies shoulder. "Do you want to stay over tonight?" Eddie shook his head. "My dads still in town, he said he has some important news." Rachel groaned. "But! I miss you!" Eddie laughed being shaken around like a puppy. "I miss you too." Richie hummed. "Oh! I taught Boxer how to sit." Beverly jumped up. "Aw, what let me see!" 

Eddie looked at Rachel confused as she hummed. "His two-month-old puppy," Richie questioned looking down at his phone. "How have you never noticed him?" Eddie laughed. "I'm not that into puppies." Richie just nodded putting his hand over his mouth. "Mhmm." 

Beverly groaned. "Can we hang out Rich! Please!" Richie rose an eyebrow. "Why?" Beverly groaned. "I miss you!" Richie laughed. "Why's everyone missing everyone? But sure Bevvy babe." Eddie looked off feeling a weird sensation growing in his chest, Rachel questioned. "You good?" Eddie nodded just burying his head into her neck. "Mhmm." 


 "See! Stan! I beat you!" Eddie panted walking back into the locker room. "I beat you!" Stan sighed opening the gym locker. "Yes, yes...you won." Eddie grinned grabbing his clothes out of his locker. "Ha!" Stan groaned. "We get it, Eddie." Eddie just smiled. "Alright!" They walked out grinning and talking as Bill hummed. "S-so! S-Stan uh, do y-you w-want to get dinner w-with me?" 

Eddie grinned standing next to his friend, Eddie nudged him a little to get him to answer. "Yes! Of course!" Eddie whispered. "Wear protection." "Eddie! Shut up!" Eddie exited spotting the older boy. "Hey!" Richie hummed with a small smile. "Hey." 

Richie choked. "Do you ever take that jumper off?!" Eddie shook his head. "Nope, why'd you stay back?" Richie shrugged. "Good view, want a ride?" Eddie laughed shoving him a little. "Love beating Stan even with a broken arm." Richie rose an eyebrow. "Your arm has nothing to do with running?" 

Eddie groaned. "Shut up!" Richie laughed a little bit. "Now, want a ride?" Eddie nodded quickly. "Yes please." They got in quickly as Eddie hummed. "Oh, I joined twitter? It's so...weird." Richie laughed a little. "Weird, you say?" Eddie nodded. "Weird!" 



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"Rachels gonna kill you." Richie rose an eyebrow rubbing Eddies knee. "What?" Eddie laughed. "Nothing." Richie laughed. "What did you do?" Eddie shrugged pulling his shirt up a little to hide the grin forming. "Nothing." Richie rubbed up a little higher. "What did you say to her?" Eddie shrugged. "I don't know, why'd you call Beverly babe?"

Richie choked gripping onto Eddie's thigh. "Someones...jealous?" Eddie shook his head. "No! I'm not jealous?! You're so stupid!" Richie nodded, laughing. "Sure, baby." Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'm not. Ok?" Richie nodded. "Mhmm, sure." Eddie groaned. "I'm not!" 

Richie hummed. "Eds, I don't want to bone Bev." Eddie nodded. "I don't care if you want to bone Bev ass." Richie laughed. "We're dating, you're meant to care." Eddie groaned. "Ok yeah, maybe I'm jealous just shut up." Richie nodded laughing, Eddie groaned. "Shut up!"

Richie pulled up in front of the house Frank and Eddie's grandma was staying at, the car engine came to a stop as Richie turned to the boy winking. "Twinkle twinkle little star, let's have sex in my car." Eddie rolled his eyes. "You're hot but no." Richie laughed looking at the smaller boy, he cupped his face slowly kissing him. "Wanna like, hang out tomorrow or something?" Eddie nodded kissing back pulling back a tiny bit to answer. "Mhmm, yes please." Richie laughed pushing against him. "Car sex?" Eddie rolled his eyes pulling back. "I'll see you tomorrow." 

Richie laughed. "I see that smile!" "Shut up!" 


"Oh Eddie, I'm moving to Derry! And I have a girlfriend." 


A/N: Cliffhanger? kinda.

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now